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Need some SERIOUS HELP!! Talked to Ex for first time in 5 months!


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My vote is don't reply.


But I think you will anyway, so if you are going to reply just say "thank you for the apology." Nothin more, nothing less. She wrote to apologize. She didn't say anything about wanting to talk to you or see you or get back together. Just say thanks and see what she does next would be my advice. Good luck.


I think I will do that but I also want to be a little opened ended ,because right now whe thinks I do not want to talk to her at ALL..but I would actually like to....how do I let her know that I am willing to talk to her?

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I would not respond until you get another text. Why be available everytime she comes knocking? Since, you are going to respond do what you feel like doing. It seems like you like this girl bringing drama into your life. Notice how you said, it has been 6 months since break up and you have been healing quite well.


You seem to be moving along fine..she contacts and treats you like trash...and then she comes back asking for forgiveness...what? Sounds like my ex..I'm shaking my head about this fella! I did the same thing you did...respond and got me nowhere. Your situation is different, but she needs to be put in her place!


Good luck with what you do.



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I think I will do that but I also want to be a little opened ended ,because right now whe thinks I do not want to talk to her at ALL..but I would actually like to....how do I let her know that I am willing to talk to her?


You are doing it by just responding. If she really wants to talk to you, any response from you, will trigger another response from her. Especially if your response isn't rude or mean.


You really don't know what she wants from you by her sending that text. Keep your cards close to your chest. Let her reveal her hand a little.

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I would not respond until you get another text. Why be available everytime she comes knocking? Since, you are going to respond do what you feel like doing. It seems like you like this girl bringing drama into your life. Notice how you said, it has been 6 months since break up and you have been healing quite well.


You seem to be moving along fine..she contacts and treats you like trash...and then she comes back asking for forgiveness...what? Sounds like my ex..I'm shaking my head about this fella! I did the same thing you did...respond and got me nowhere. Your situation is different, but she needs to be put in her place!


Good luck with what you do.




Yeah I have always been attracted to the crazy ones..lol....This one though I do still love and I think that is the only reason why I am even here discussing this in the first place.

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You are doing it by just responding. If she really wants to talk to you, any response from you, will trigger another response from her. Especially if your response isn't rude or mean.


You really don't know what she wants from you by her sending that text. Keep your cards close to your chest. Let her reveal her hand a little.


Yeah but she changed her freakin number because of me and literally two weeks later she contacts me???? I mean * * * ? If she took the effort to go that far so whe won't hear from me again why is she initiating contact from her new freaking phone number??

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Yeah I have always been attracted to the crazy ones..lol....This one though I do still love and I think that is the only reason why I am even here discussing this in the first place


Be patient. Wait until tomorrow if anything. Don't jump at every text you get from her. Just wait it out a bit and think about what you are going to say. We all know that you are going to reply so wait until tomorrow.


Have you decided what you are going to say?

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Be patient. Wait until tomorrow if anything. Don't jump at every text you get from her. Just wait it out a bit and think about what you are going to say. We all know that you are going to reply so wait until tomorrow.


Have you decided what you are going to say?


She sent this 1:30 in the morning Saturday night....so its been a couple days....she also has alot of pride so I know this took ALOT for her to send this.... I am still a little stunned and I was angry that she would try to contact me 2 weeks after she changer her number......


The only thing I can think of to respond with is "Thank you for the apology"...but I also want to make it a little more open ended so she feels like she can call me and doesnt think I do not want to talk to her....Any suggestions?????

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Yeah but she changed her freakin number because of me and literally two weeks later she contacts me???? I mean * * * ? If she took the effort to go that far so whe won't hear from me again why is she initiating contact from her new freaking phone number??


By contacting you from her new number, it is obvious that she does want to hear from you. I just don't think you need to let her know you are so open to talking with her. That puts you in a vulnerable position. If you're ok with that, then go for it. Personally, my feeling is that she hurt you and if she wants to talk or take things further, she should be the one initiating it. Let her work a little for it.

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By contacting you from her new number, it is obvious that she does want to hear from you. I just don't think you need to let her know you are so open to talking with her. That puts you in a vulnerable position. If you're ok with that, then go for it. Personally, my feeling is that she hurt you and if she wants to talk or take things further, she should be the one initiating it. Let her work a little for it.


I think I am OK with it because i feel like I have healed alot...but how do I resond? any more suggestions?

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Do you forgive her? If so, than be sincere about that! If you are doing it just to open communication then don't! Be true to yourself. If you send her a simple, "thanks, for the apology" then you just wait and see what happens. Dude, if she wants more than just apologize she will let you know!

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Do you forgive her? If so, than be sincere about that! If you are doing it just to open communication then don't! Be true to yourself. If you send her a simple, "thanks, for the apology" then you just wait and see what happens. Dude, if she wants more than just apologize she will let you know!



You know I don't know because I do not know what the whole situation is that made her do it in the first place. I do not want her to think I am going to easily forgive her for doing something so shady.


What about this everyone....??????????


"Hi. Thank you for the apology. I am respecting your wish to not hear from me but I do hope that you will reconsider and give me a call."

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You know I don't know because I do not know what the whole situation is that made her do it in the first place. I do not want her to think I am going to easily forgive her for doing something so shady.

What about this everyone....??????????


"Hi. Thank you for the apology. I am respecting your wish to not hear from me but I do hope that you will reconsider and give me a call."


Sorry, but I think your text makes it seem that not only will you forgive her easily, but that you already have. Maybe cut off your response at the "me" and leave out the whole part about reconsidering.

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Whenever someone apologizes and you are ready to forgive them then don't make them wait for your response. If you want to talk about other things you can do so at a later date. She swallowed her pride to say she was sorry. She is in your debt until you accept her apology, don't leave her hanging. How would you like that if someone made you wait just because they couldn't figure out what else to say?

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You know I don't know because I do not know what the whole situation is that made her do it in the first place. I do not want her to think I am going to easily forgive her for doing something so shady.


What about this everyone....??????????


"Hi. Thank you for the apology. I am respecting your wish to not hear from me but I do hope that you will reconsider and give me a call."



Nooooo!!! She will just continue to do the yo-yo effect with you and she will again have the upper-hand.




NextTime had a much better response, if that is the route you decide to take.

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UPDATE...so I get a text last night from I suppose her new number that says...



"Hi, its ....Wow, I have no doubt in my mind that you do not want to talk to me. You were really decent to me and I was horrible. I'm writing to say I am sorry for the bad way I treated you. I am sorry you didn't deserve that after being so decent to me. I hope you can sometime forgive me."



soo ENA....thoughts? opinions? What the hell does this mean? I can't believe she contacted me 2 weeks after she changed her freaking number.


Well I replied to this with


"Hi. I accept your apology, thank you. If you do not want to hear from me again I will respect that. I do hope you will reconsider and give me a call.



BUUUUUTTTT.....now that I look at it, is she aplogizing for this recent shady situation or is she trying to apologize for how our relationship and break up ended up?

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wow....someone remind me again how utterly stupid I am for my response....sometimes I wish I could go back in time.


I've learned the hard way to take some time before responding to anything. let it sit overnight, at the very least. They've probably made you wait for responses, they can wait for the right one in return.


And most of the time, the correct response I come back to is...none.

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UPDATE...so I get a text last night from I suppose her new number that says...



"Hi, its ....Wow, I have no doubt in my mind that you do not want to talk to me. You were really decent to me and I was horrible. I'm writing to say I am sorry for the bad way I treated you. I am sorry you didn't deserve that after being so decent to me. I hope you can sometime forgive me."



soo ENA....thoughts? opinions? What the hell does this mean? I can't believe she contacted me 2 weeks after she changed her freaking number.



Anybody have any more opinions on what this may mean??????????????????????????????????????????????

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Anybody have any more opinions on what this may mean??????


If you're so curious as to what she is sorry about, how about you just ask her? If nothing else, it'll make it appear that you're not overly upset about it, if you don't even know what thing she is apologizing for.


Try not to stress over it. It doesn't mean anything.

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Well I replied to this with


"Hi. I accept your apology, thank you. If you do not want to hear from me again I will respect that. I do hope you will reconsider and give me a call.



Has she replied back? If not, then I guess you may already have your answer - it didn't mean anything.


You shouldn't try to contact her again since you did ask her to call you in your text.

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Well I replied to this with


"Hi. I accept your apology, thank you. If you do not want to hear from me again I will respect that. I do hope you will reconsider and give me a call.



Has she replied back? If not, then I guess you may already have your answer - it didn't mean anything.


You shouldn't try to contact her again since you did ask her to call you in your text.



Do you think there is possibility that she may think that I do want to talk to her about what she did or why she did it????????? I know her pretty well and she may. She also wont call if she thinks I am gonna ask or wanna talk abou this.....she is not good with handling things that she knows she did something wrong....

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