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Need some SERIOUS HELP!! Talked to Ex for first time in 5 months!


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Let me get this straight, she dumps you after 3.5 years, is seeing a new bloke, gets dumped by him then calls you, she wants to meet up then tells you to go away and find someone else; she even changes her number so that you cannot contact her anymore, txt's you two weeks later to apologise.


Why are you even considering wanting to get back together with this girl?????, yes you may love her, but she treats you like absolute crap.


Don't take this the wrong way, but you need to ask yourself some serious questions of why you would let someone treat you this way; it comes down to basic respect, you can't have a relationship without it.


My advice; change your number.

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Let me get this straight, she dumps you after 3.5 years, is seeing a new bloke, gets dumped by him then calls you, she wants to meet up then tells you to go away and find someone else; she even changes her number so that you cannot contact her anymore, txt's you two weeks later to apologise.


Why are you even considering wanting to get back together with this girl?????, yes you may love her, but she treats you like absolute crap.


Don't take this the wrong way, but you need to ask yourself some serious questions of why you would let someone treat you this way; it comes down to basic respect, you can't have a relationship without it.


My advice; change your number.



Yeah pretty crazy huh???? You know I haev asked myself that question and I dont know other than I still love her. The only thing I can think of is that she and this guy were trying to work on getting back together when I contacted her and that is why I got the reaction I did when I contacted her? Must not have worked out...so now she tries and contact me again...who knows...the only reason I am even talking about this because I do love this girl, thought she was the one, she asked me to marry her twice and I asked once, we were also each others best friends....I dont know why...but cant shake the feelin....but I have healed alot....strange huh?

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Alwayz, sorry, to break it to you fella, but you have not healed a lot. You are trying to reply to an apology text and you can't even think straight! You call that "healed a lot?" I think not amigo. Look how confused you are at the moment? Sit this one out for a min mate...seriously. Have her come to you. She is the one who walked away and left you for someone. Make her respect you!


You are desparately looking for someone to decipher her text, as well. You know what it means? NOTHING, until she tells you the truth!


Stay strong!



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Alwayz, sorry, to break it to you fella, but you have not healed a lot. You are trying to reply to an apology text and you can't even think straight! You call that "healed a lot?" I think not amigo. Look how confused you are at the moment? Sit this one out for a min mate...seriously. Have her come to you. She is the one who walked away and left you for someone. Make her respect you!


You are desparately looking for someone to decipher her text, as well. You know what it means? NOTHING, until she tells you the truth!


Stay strong!




your right about what I should do....but I know i am healing cause I don't care as much about the situation as i used to and it desn't bother me as much.

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