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I've been dating this girl for a while and i really, really like her alot. But the other night we got into a fight and I said the one thing that was the cruelest and most devasting thing I could have said to her. It made her cry and I've never seen her do that before. She won't even talk to me. How can I get her to talk to me? Is there any chance I can get her back or is it too far gone? If not, I could use some advice.

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Words said in anger aren't usually true. If you truly didn't mean to hurt her and don't want to do it again, just be persistent. If she sees that you seriously are sorry for what you did by you talking to her, apologizing, sending her cards, whatever, she will eventually loosen up. But don't get frustrated because she won't talk to you and get angry about that, because that will only make things worse. Just be patient, I'm sure she will eventually forgive you. Good luck!

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