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so i gave her my letter then...


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i kinda didnt know what i was doing, i tried to take it back out of her purse, she wouldnt let me take it, she wanted to hear what i had to say... that was over 30 min ago sinse she left, (by the way the letter is on another thread of mine) i still have not recieved a call or text from her yet, i think thats a good thing..if she wanted nothing to do with me then she would of text me already saying it was too late to save our relationship or something like that... any advice on my situation? thanks everyone

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It wasn't a bad letter, but really, there is no substitute for looking someone in the eye that you care about and then telling them exactly what you feel and exactly what you mean. You can even read from a letter if you want, and in some ways that makes it more endearing because the person can tell how much thought you've put into it, but they can also tell that there is sincerity behind the words because it carries a voice, and is parlayed with the sincerity of your facial expressions.


And the best thing about going the verbal route is that you'll get an instant, legitimate, likely honest response, and you may also clarify anything that wasn't made clear. It may sound juvenile, and it may make you uncomfortable, but talking it out takes a courage, and there's no better way to show your love for someone then to say "I am willing to be vulnerable in front of you no matter what."

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ya i understand, but its a little late for that now, what is your take on not getting a responce back? what could that mean, if she didnt want to be with me and was done with our relationship she would of called me already telling me that right?

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She'll respond. That's the kind of letter you have to respond to... sincere but not crazy. It may take her awhile because perhaps she doesn't even know what she thinks or how she feels yet. If you're just generally confused then sometimes a letter can feel pushy even when it's not at all simply because it's an action that's been taken, and now you have to react even if you're not really ready for that yet.


So, just back off. Even if it takes a couple days, she'll definitely respond.

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good luck with it.


you've done all you can and the ball is in her court now. i know it's easy for me to say, but just try and relax and not think of the outcome too much.


If she is a decent person who cares for you, she should reply either way........but she may want to take her time and think about things before responding to you

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thats what i was thinking, but i also feel that she has made her decision from the moment she read that letter, and is dragging it out to see what ill do.. just my thinking?


It's not something I would do in her shoes. I would be thrown into indecision and need time to think about everything that has happened and what might happen if I do or don't walk away.

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