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Is dark hair really beautiful?

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This is going to sound weird, but I live in L.A. and the word here is BLONDE! I am a natural blonde with blue eyes. I have ALWAYS wanted to be a brunette with green or brown eyes, like my two best friends. Recently, I went for a medium brown with golden highlights. Immediately halted most male flirting or attention. Next weekend, back to my natural blonde. I think everyone looks best when their hair is its natural color. In men, I prefer light brown on blonde, but that's just me. All hair is beautiful as long as it is cared for.

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I can't believe you are asking this question! all hair colors are beautiful. It depends what suits you, if blonde suits you go blonde, if dark hair go dye it dark... Or just stick with your natural color which is the best. I could care less if a guy liked my hair color or not!

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its weird. i never hated my dark hair i just wanted lighter eyes. LOL


Yeah! I used to think the best combo would be green eyes and brown hair. Because the sea-green or cat-green cool would set off the warm dark of the hair, they'd play off each other. I wanted the green (not blue, but green, as it's more earthy) eyes for the longest time, that combo! But now I'm glad for the matching set of brunes!


Try looking brooding with blond hair.


So true!! Exactly, that's why I like that dark hair look, and dark eyes as well. Bright, bright blue eyes with blonde hair can be quite beautiful, but brooding, no, lol. I like a little mystery.

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This is going to sound weird, but I live in L.A. and the word here is BLONDE! I am a natural blonde with blue eyes. I have ALWAYS wanted to be a brunette with green or brown eyes, like my two best friends. Recently, I went for a medium brown with golden highlights. Immediately halted most male flirting or attention. Next weekend, back to my natural blonde. I think everyone looks best when their hair is its natural color. In men, I prefer light brown on blonde, but that's just me. All hair is beautiful as long as it is cared for.


I agree, if I was blonde, I'd wear it proudly, naturally.


Too bad you live in a place where if you don't look a certain way, you just don't make the grade. And where everyone has to constantly keep up with the Jones. That would seriously give me a complex. (sorry, is bitterness towards my ex rearing a head? [he's an Angelian] Pay no mind.)

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No of course not!


I personally think that blonde hair isn't all that great.


My hair is the same color as yours. I mean, I tried to go blonde and it looked HORRIBLE.


I've always thought that dark hair is MUCH more beautiful, expec with light eyes, it really adds to the contrast!

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Oh wow, that is such a pretty picture!!


I think dark hair and green eyes are gorgeous, but I think I like dark hair and blue eyes the best.


Expecially my kind of blue eyes. They're ICE blue, some people don't even think they're real! lol well alot of people don't, expec with the contrast with my hair.



I REALLY want a light tan in the summer, I think it would look MUCH better with my hair and eyes.


But yesterday this lady said how beautiful my color was. (black hair, ice blue eyes, fair skin) I told her that I wanted a tan, but she thinks I look better fair.


I do want a tan, but I don't want to do it the fake way. Aka tanning booth etc.


In the sun would be the best, with SPF of course.




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Sadly, I'm very white!


I think it's because I'm anemic, and it's been pretty cold lately.


I always wear jeans, even in the summer, and when I go to the beach I cake on the sunscreen.


When I was 15 I got burnt SO bad I almost 2nd degree burns.


I'd rather stay pale, then risk getting a burn by trying to get tanned.


But tan would be nice. Not tan, but rather buff color.

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You'd be suprised how many people here are fair skinned.


My best friends are more fair then me, and my friend that is coming to visit this summer is in New mexico. She is as FAIR as can be with blonde hair and pale blue eyes.


My mom is extremly fair. That could also be because she has no pigment. She has Vitaligo, what Michael Jackson CLAIMED he had lol.

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However, when I was younger I was ALWAYS outside and hardly ever wore any sun screen.


I had natural blonde highlights in my hair, and I was so dark I looked mexican. Maybe darker.


But once I got that bad burn, I've kind of been to paranoid to go without sunscreen when I know I'll be in the sun for awhile.

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Lol thanks Vertigo.


Sometimes I like it, and sometimes I dont.


I seem to get alot more attention being fair, but sometimes people are like "get some color. You look like a ghost! Do you EVER go outside? Ahh your translucent!"


That hurts my feelings



I've gotten a LITTLE darker. More of an ivory color. But I'd like to get a LIGHT tan, not a dark one because it would take away from my appeal but just a very light subtle one.


Not like this


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But like this. This is subtle and the color is beautiful. I think it would look good on me. My hair stylist thought my hair would look much better if I got a light tan.


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Yeah I know. I'd lay out in the sun with my bathing suit for like an hr, but not without putting 30 spf on the places I burn most!


This is what I use now, I use it everytime I get out of the shower.


That's how I got from Fair to Ivory. But I don't think it will go much more beyond that. And I stopped using products on my face, because it made it peel.


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Yeah, I've never been attracted to blondes either.


I mean, my mom and brother are blonde, but my dad has black hair.


I got somewhere in the middle. What's odd is, my mom has blonde hair yet BOTH her parents had black hair. What's up with that?!


My dad looks like Robert from Everybody loves Raymond lol.


I dated ONE blonde and it lasted 2 weeks. Hah!


I don't find Brad Pitt attractive, but give me a Johnny Depp or Jake Gylenhal mhmm.

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