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HELP! Where am I at after 7 1/2 MONTHS!? Gettign WORSE!!!

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It has NOW been 7 1/2 months since we broke up...


Her Birthday was NOT to long ago and it brought up a WHOLE LOT of *LOVE* and HURT cause I KNOW she is with someone else...


I have been dating someone too, for JUST over 3 months, but we broke up and got back together a FEW times. It is SUPER complicated...


The severity of the situation is BAD, I am CRYING OUT FOR HELP!!!


I have NOT heard from her through email or ANYTHING since early November, and I look for her EVERYWHERE.


I have been TRYING to sleep withOUT my sleeping medications... (one is for sleeping and cuases nightmares, the second is a ANTI-nightmare med)It has NOT been going well I am lacking sleep and getting even SICKER!


I dreamt about her last night, and met her boyfriend.


Only to wake, go BACK to bed for 1 1/2 hours wake up and *CRY* as I getting ready for work, which is where I am at as I WRITE this...


I MISS and LOVE her!?


What am I to do?


Email / Call her, I'd probally cry which would upset her...


My current GF? I suppose I am JUST over emotional, I have had axiety attacks and the works through out my life... She is VERY kind, though younger...


My ex left me simply put because she couldn't handle my depression AND she wanted to drink and smoke up. (which is ODD cause she has been through depression)


I suspect also that she was attracted to someone else even BEFORE we broke up...


I LOVE this women STILL, and she TOLD me she loved me, ONLY to stare me COLD int he face and say; "I THOUGHT I loved you..."


There is MUCH more to this, but I KNOW people don't like to read and respond to LONG posts, so I'll leave it at that...


Please, PLEASE respond. Post, email me, which ever...

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Hi Matt,


Sorry to hear about your situation, you sound like a very caring person. It's so hard when we have no control over the other person's feelings...it makes us feel so helpless.


Just a suggestion regarding your sleeping medication which you mentioned gives you nighmares...since it isn't helping you to get a good night's rest and I'm guessing they're a perscription, can you meet w/your doctor, explain what's going on and see if he can't give you something for depression instead, just to get you on the road to feeling like yourself. Even if it's for a brief period, it'll help you to focus and think things through more clearly.


You may not be able to change you'r ex's feelings towards you, but in time you will meet someone new who will light up your days again. It may not be the person you are with now, but you are young and have so many dreams yet to live & share ahead of you. Take time for yourself to find out what you want in life, what is important to you..,and never settle for less. I know it's not easy with a borken heart, I have been there. I dated someone for 9 years and when we broke up I felt like there was nothing to get up for in the mornings....it was a real struggle getting through the day. Memories are all around you....but you do get over them with time, and you see things differently when you step back and look at the whole picture. I wish I'd have known about this site then and all the wonderful people who take time to share similar experiences...but we learn from the pain, we get stronger and always try to focus on the good times. These experiences, both good and bad will make you stronger with your next relationship...and you will find that speical one that is "meant" to last forever when the time is right!!


Take care and best wishes!!





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Hi Matt,


I think you need to go back to the doctor and tell them that you cannot sleep and your medication is not agreeing with you, also you need to let them know how you feel emtionally too , you sound very depressed and the depression does not lift over night, (my dad has been on and off anti depressants for years, at the moment thankfully he doesnt need them)


you said that you have been depressed while you were with her, so your depression hasnt been directly been brought on by her but has been made worse since she has left, dont take this the wrong way or that im being cheeky as im only trying to help but i think you need to speak to a counsellor (my dad went to one too) you need to get to the root of your problems and it might you help you,


Im thinking of you

take care

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