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Question For The Ladies


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Ok so first off i'm a guy and i'm 20. I don't knw if this is weird or anything but when i'm having sex i don't really like to take my shirt off, i'm not fat or big but i've always had this kind of bit of blubber and kind of puffy nipples. I've also got the whole pear look going on not good. Trying to work on it atm at the gym. But I've just figured if i take my shirt off it's going to turn her off or something, so hears my question would rather have a guy take his shirt off even if he has some blubber or leave it on?


Cheers bluey

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i don't mean to laugh...but in a way it reminds me of a man being naked but leaving his socks ON. It seems like you are working on at it the gym, so when you feel comfortable...just take it off. Hey, girls have stretchmarks and cellulite...so honestly...is it really THAT bad?

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Hey guys thanks for all you help, last night i did the deed decided to just rip my shirt off and see what happened... best sex in a long time haha, i think she was a little suprised because i think she thought i was hiding some horrible disfiguring scar or something, but she loved it, she went a bit wild tbh haha. She said about the skin contact and how she loves it. SO yeh THANK YOU!!



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I've only been with 2 guys, the first time, with the first guy, he kept his shirt on...and so did i*probably cuase we were both really inexpeirinced* but the secind guy i went with was slightly bigger than him....but only round the stomach and stuff. And he tok his shirt off...but it made me feel more comfortable. and besides, if shes going to have sex with you, she obviously wont mind if you have a little flab, i bet she does too *no offense* but theres always a part on a girl tht they feel uncomfy with ie....i hate my legs...*bad skin etc* but just go for it dude, she'll appreciate it

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