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Late Period?!?...


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So I'm a little bit confused and I have a funny feeling after I post this my period might just pop out of nowhere and then this post would be pointless. LOL. But maybe I could get some feedback.


My last period was Feb. 20th which was 36 days ago. For me that is late because I almost always get my period every 28-30 days. I've never been this late before and I've never skipped or had an irregular period. Also, a few days ago for about a week my boobs were sore but I know that it could just mean that my period was coming or a number of other things. But really I thought I was going to get my period by the beginning of this week but this week has came and passed pretty much.


I tested myself Thursday just incase and just because I had started to wonder. Got a negative result, and they are supposed to be pretty accurate so I'll trust it for now but where the heck is my period at? I've had a lot of sex this month and I'll admit that sometimes it would be without a condom until he was about to cum. So even though he always wore a condom, I am aware that their is still possibility with precum.


I'm thinking it's more likely that I'm just late for some bizarre reason so I'll be patient. I'm just wondering why it's not here yet. Hmm..

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Sorry I just saw you already mentioned that


Well, if you really don't want to get pregnant... why do you do this? You really shouldn't take the chance with precum. You need just one of his happy swimmers. Please make your life easier and be careful with condoms or use other contraceptives in addition.


Pregnancy may not show up in a test that you buy for a week or so.

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Have you tried those early tests?


I peeked at the internet for you, and it came up with

"consider whether or not you've recently been sick, gained or lost a significant amount of weight, have been under excessive stress or have taken any new medications"


I've never had regular periods, so I really don't know. But several times I'd have sore breasts, and think I was pregnant. Then my period comes.


The more you worry about it, the longer it'll take to come if you aren't pregnant.

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I tried a test that said it detects early, it was the store's brand. I haven't been sick, lost/gained much weight, and nothing really out of the norm stress-wise. Was a little worried about it the last couple days since I realized I was late but yeah, I'm not going to worry about it too much because that could be delaying it.


Nope, I'm not trying to get pregnant right now. I do realize I should be taking a chance with precum and I'm going to be more careful.

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It's tuesday now and I still haven't gotten my period. I did have a really bad migraine yesterday that didn't go away until after I went to sleep but then again yesterday I was under a little bit of out of the ordinary stress (spring quarter beginning and dealing with police about a cell phone harassment issue I had). Perhaps it could be stress although other then that there has been practically nothing. I'm thinking that I'm going to hold off on taking the test again until tomorrow just incase.

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