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Day 12 of NC.

Actually feeling ok. My heart does not feel in pieces right now. So i'm trying to enjoy the feeling.

Yes i still think about him a lot during the day, but it doesn't give me heart palpitations or sickening feelings as it did a couple of days ago.

I am starting to see things a little bit more clearer through the fog of emotions.

Starting to realize this is for the best and is not something which can be mended.


I have booked myself in for a dance class later after work, and i will be going with friends. So i'm looking forward to learning a different style of dance to what i'm used to.

The constant work, and keeping myself busy with friends has helped enormously.

More so than moping in the flat on my own all day and night.


Onwards and upwards as they say.


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Well... In 2 days it will be 7 months since i got dumped for someone else, been a hell of a ride, lot's of tears, anger and sadness...

Good thing i have a wonderful family and the most awesome friends who supported me through it all, it took me 3 months after the break-up until i realized i needed to do NC and it was quiet for almost 4 months of NC until my ex decided to text me to tell me she saw the message of: a penny for your thoughts on her bank account a while ago that i gave her for her bday and to ask me how i was doing.


I responded to the text in a way that she knows my life is going perfect without her and she can't respond to it and she did not respond to it (yet).


So now i'm @ almost 7 months post dumped and i'm doing awesome!

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Day 19 of NC.

I still feel a bit set back in my recovery all because of the texts i received on Saturday morning while he was drunk.

Luckily he wasn't asking me back or telling me he missed me, but just 'checking' how i am.

I ignored them of course, and he hasn't contacted me since.


So NC is kept up as much as possible. I'm so glad i haven't caved. I hope i can be strong this weekend.

Fingers crossed, as mentally, i'm feeling quite weak right now.



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Day 48


My god, day 48...where has the time gone? So basically it has now sunk in that we really are over and I am starting to move on with my life. Couldn't have been done without the help of my family and friends (and some male distraction ...) but I am finally nearly there. NC has really helped this time.

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Day 7. It's going okay. It's been almost 2 months since the breakup, and I think I'm getting better, but this week seems to be a lot harder than the last time we didn't talk for a week...every day seems like another little stab that he doesn't miss me enough to figure stuff out. I know that he misses me in some sense because he agreed to doing this do - to help him get over it too. It's just sucky. I'll get better with time.

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Day 89,

I think she's finally got the message in my last txt.

Quote "F*&k off and dont txt or phone me ever or get our son to txt me" although she as tried through him(sad i know).

Liar's and cheat's are just ain't worth talking to.EVER

Good luck fellow no contacter's.

Keep strong!!!

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day 13


Woke up today thinking of how things changed. From being lovers and best friends, and now strangers.

It is getting easier, but I feel I'm blocking my feelings sometimes. When I think of us it hurts.


I don't want her to talk to me, because it will set me some steps back. I just wish all this did not happen. I just know there is no going back now.

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Day 55


OMG, I'm on day 55? Really? How time makes a big difference. You are not the first thing on my mind in the morning anymore, I think of you occasionally but it's not 24/7 like it used to be. I feel better, I have been seeing friends more and dating. I don't think I would want you back, even if you came begging because I now realise you aren't good enough for me. Your constant attention seeking and dramas are not what I need in my life. I need a strong man and to be honest you aren't one.

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After reading this thread i've decided to go no contact.


My background for this is i split with my ex girlfriend of 2.5 years back in May, We broke up in a messy way where we didn't talk to each other for a few months, in that time she got with someone else which crushed me, fast forward a few months we started talking again and she told me she still loved me and her relationship was nothing more then a rebound, We've met each other a few times and ended up kissing and being like we was when we was together, both admitted we should never have split up and our problem was we never spoke to each and things built up.


Current situation is that she is still in love with me but is still with the rebound so last night(Friday) i had to decide once and for all what to do, I sent her a long E-mail explaining that i'm very much in love with her and i see my future with her but all the time she is with this bloke we can't be friends and i have to walk out of her life for good, I informed her that i will be going no contact and i wish she would respect my wish, She told me that she is devastated that this is happening and that she loves me like crazy but understands why this is happening, I've told her only to contact me if she wants me back and if she does she has to contact me.


So i've deleted her phone number, deleted her of facebook, twitter and now i'm going for it.


It's only been a few hours but this is so tough having to walk away from the person i'm madly in love with, It's mad how you can know a person inside out one day to just being complete strangers now.


The one thing that worries me and makes me wonder if i will crack is we share the same hobby, We both have season tickets to our local sports team and we both attend every game, She sits literally 4 seats away from me so i will have to see her, It's tough as this team was how we met so it will drag up all sorts of memories.


I just hope by me walking out of her life she will see that i'm not going to be 2nd best to her new bloke, if she loves me like she keeps claiming then she will realise that she can't be without me and make the move and come back to me.


I'm not the same person she split with back in May, I'm the person she met all those years ago, I just hope this works but if not at least it's given me the chance to heal and move on.


Wish me luck

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On day, I have no idea, however for all of you going through tough times at the moment it does get much easier. I split with my ex of eight years at the start of the year. Been seeing other girls, with someone else now and realise that what happened was for the best, and she is part of my past at the moment.

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Day 1 - Actually day 17 but I like the contest so I'll start over. The NC was mutual after about 1.5 months of trying to stay friends and it not working.


We work together so there necessarily has to be work communications... from me anyway. She has gone complete radio silence unless she absolutely has to respond. But that's the nature of our work anyway (I initiate the email strings, she responds). But I take heart in knowing that I'm being the more professional one.


I'm going to have to see her at some point and not sure if that will be good or bad. Until then, my days are hit or miss. Today started off very shaky because I'm living alone for the first time in 1 year but it's getting better. Had a good workout (first in 2 weeks) and have been reconnecting with old friends. It helps.

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She dumped me almost 2 month ago but its not easy to go NC when we are in the same career. Now I blocked her from fb and decided to go strict NC as hard as it sounds


Dont know if NC will help me get her back but for sure if there is a way THIS IS IT. In any case with NC i will get myself back and that is the most important after all

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Day 13.


It's not as difficult as I thought, but every minute I question the merits of NC.


She broke up with me, after I originally broke up with her, but it seems she broke up with me because she believed it would be better for both of us. She always said I deserved better and never listened when I said there was noone better and I thought she was perfect, though my actions may have contradicted this.. we both need to make changes to ourselves, but every day I ask myself should I reach out and really show I believe she is the one and the longer I wait the more she slips away, or should I wait for her to experience dumper's guilt.

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Day 2


Woke up early today. Thinking about her, of course, but no negative thoughts yet. Hoping that it will be another NC day at work because our projects are winding down and even the work contact regresses me. I've been sleeping really well and the dreams have stopped so that's progress.


But I miss her. That's a constant. I miss what was, what I know can't be again. I miss who she can't be again. It's not productive but it's what I've got right now.

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Day 01. (Well, it's really been a week or two, but I wanna start from 1 since lately I've had the urge to contact)


Long story short, we were together for 3 years. She needed a "break", dumped me a week later, moved on a few weeks after that.

I'm pissed. I'm hurt. She spoke of marriage the day before it happened. She spoke of how we could fix the ongoing problems we were having. But she threw that away. You don't give up on someone if you love them deeply. You also don't blame them and make them feel guilty when really you're the one f***ing around. But now I realize the gang of girls she surrounded herself with was just her lining up women to take my spot. She was constantly searching for bigger and better. I'm ready to let go and move on. Sometimes I still get a little feeling of hope, but I've been making sure to kill that. Who cares if she ever contacts me again? If she loved me she'd be breaking down my front door right now.

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