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Ladies, which do you prefer?


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What the f...? 8 inches is enormous. That's enough to get both your hands around it with room to spare. I have no faith at all in peoples' reported measurements, it's ridiculous. Average is around 5 or 6 inches...7 is large.

But as for my preferences, I like a lot of foreplay if possible! Like...20 minutes minimum. I prefer sex to last 10 to 20 minutes, I have never orgasmed from penetration so too long gets to be a chore. And around 5 or 6 inches is wonderful, ideally with above average girth but if everything else is great, I'm not gonna be all that picky.


Is it really that big if you can have your both hands around it and still spare room? I don't think so! I think even a 6.5 inch guy would pass this test.

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30 minutes is good for me. i don't feel satisfied with 10 or 15 minutes. i can go for much longer and almost always have....but i wouldn't expect that everyday.


Sounds like I would need a baseball bat to reach that.


That's back.....that's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the vagina.


That seems like a job for the big boys.


not really....i've had a 6", average thickness, not huge and not skinny, and he gave me an amazing "cul de sac" orgasmn. they don't need to be HUGE.

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30 minutes is good for me. i don't feel satisfied with 10 or 15 minutes. i can go for much longer and almost always have....but i wouldn't expect that everyday.


Sounds like I would need a baseball bat to reach that.


That's back.....that's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the vagina.


That seems like a job for the big boys.


not really....i've had a 6", average thickness, not huge and not skinny, and he gave me an amazing "cul de sac" orgasmn. they don't need to be HUGE.

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30 minutes is good for me. i don't feel satisfied with 10 or 15 minutes. i can go for much longer and almost always have....but i wouldn't expect that everyday.


30 minutes of straight sex? That seems like alot. I last about a minute masterbating.


I guess i'm not really captain stamina.




not really....i've had a 6", average thickness, not huge and not skinny, and he gave me an amazing "cul de sac" orgasmn. they don't need to be HUGE.


I guess it depends on the vagina size.


I think a chick with a shallow vagina that can't handle thickness would be perfect for me. haha

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30 minutes is good for me. i don't feel satisfied with 10 or 15 minutes. i can go for much longer and almost always have....but i wouldn't expect that everyday.


30 minutes of straight sex? That seems like alot. I last about a minute masterbating.


I guess i'm not really captain stamina.




not really....i've had a 6", average thickness, not huge and not skinny, and he gave me an amazing "cul de sac" orgasmn. they don't need to be HUGE.


I guess it depends on the vagina size.


I think a chick with a shallow vagina that can't handle thickness would be perfect for me. haha

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to the OP, you sound exactly like my husband... and he's perfect for me!!!! I love his size (and he thought he was average but he's like 2 1/2 inches over average!!!) and I love the fact that he's multi-orgasmic - he didn't start out that way, but I showed him how he could "hold off" and then later cum, and then be able to actually remain hard and cum again


Just some things to think about. But I don't know if you and her are really suited for eachother... she criticizes EVERYTHING about your sex life?? Maybe she just doesn't want to have sex and is terrified that you really are "too big" for her size. ??? hope that helps in some way?


I appreciate your insight. Your husband is a lucky man! I honestly think that we may not be a match sexually. In a way I wish everything else wasn't so good because at least then I wouldn't feel conflicted about moving on. I feel like I am being selfish. I can honestly say sex and intimacy IS that important to me. I fear that if I stay with her I may stray... she doesn't deserve that and it's not my style. Not to say I've never cheated on anyone, but, I have never had the urge while in a commited relationship. I have a bit of an ego when it comes to the bedroom, I have always been made to feel like a stud, yet the one who matters makes me feel like sex is a duty. This woman is starting to get to my confidence and I'm not sure how to handle it. Part of me wants to validate myself with someone else. I know thats not the answer. The bottom line is if we could communicate like adults, this wouldn't be such a stressful issue. Thanks again.

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Yes I want him to be able to control so he can last a little while but I don't want someone like the energizer bunny who keeps going & going even after I'm long done. Long penis do hurt sometimes. Instead of being enjoyable it can feel like someone is just poking you over & over. Not the sexiest feeling to have. Try being a little more gentle by not penetrating her all the way.

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So long as you satisfy your woman, you can finish any time after that...Whether it be 5 minutes or 20,(plus foreplay, of course)... Most of us do not want a marathon, once or twice is perfect...Too much length just plain hurts 6 or 7 inches with a little girth...the key is how well you move.....

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You couldn't, is what I think.


haha well then you're WRONG. and quite dumb for thinking that after I told you that virtually any vagina can hold any penis size.... it stretches for God's sake. And just b/c you are tiny doesn't mean you have to hate men that are bigger than you and the women who have had bigger men in them.


you are seriously so childish its ridiculous (and you're 25??? I bet you're really 15 - b/c that's how stupidly immature you're acting)

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... yea, that's usually what happens with people if they aren't on the same page sexually (you'd want to feel like you ARE good and might want the validation... I think that's normal, but not a good sign).


See, you're not married, if you were married I'd tell you to find a way to work it out with her (tell her how it makes you feel - honestly meaning to tell her that it makes you *think* of getting validation elsewhere b/c she's hacking away at your confidence). As a wife, it is my job to make sure my husband knows how much I admire and love him - who else will if I don't? And you men (as confident as ya'll may be) really need to know how much we love and adore and admire you... it helps my husband to achieve things he's never dreamed he could b/c I'm there at his side like that.


Since you're not married though, you don't have to go through the pain of trying to make her see how she's single handedly destroying you guys' relationship. You can choose to, but you definitely don't have to. Who knows, she may still not care enough to change or try to think differently or work on it herself (b/c I think she's the problem - not letting herself get turned on enough or something.... not your size b/c that's not really a valid argument!).


again, the vagina is elastic tissue that can tightly accommodate any size penis (even if its small or extremely big).... and then go right back to its original 3 inches long vagina size.

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haha well then you're WRONG. and quite dumb for thinking that after I told you that virtually any vagina can hold any penis size.... it stretches for God's sake. And just b/c you are tiny doesn't mean you have to hate men that are bigger than you and the women who have had bigger men in them.


Virtually any vagina? I doubt that. 12 inches is a hell of alot.


I wonder how many women on this forum believe their's could stretch to accomidated that?


And I don't hate anyone.



you are seriously so childish its ridiculous (and you're 25??? I bet you're really 15 - b/c that's how stupidly immature you're acting)


I'm 25, not 15.

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lol just the fact that you are trying to de-rail his original post and making side-cracks about if I could take a 12 inch shows how utterly immature you are. How are you helping the guy who wrote this thread at all?????????????????


you're just here to make silly comments and get into it with people... like a 15 year old...



you might be 25 but you act like a little boy

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haha well then you're WRONG. and quite dumb for thinking that after I told you that virtually any vagina can hold any penis size.... it stretches for God's sake. And just b/c you are tiny doesn't mean you have to hate men that are bigger than you and the women who have had bigger men in them.


you are seriously so childish its ridiculous (and you're 25??? I bet you're really 15 - b/c that's how stupidly immature you're acting)


WOW, very disrespectful post! he never said he hates anyone or anything.

Also he is right, most women can't get away with a 12 inch penis and I say it as a girl who is into bigger penises.

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Virtually any vagina? I doubt that. 12 inches is a hell of alot.


I wonder how many women on this forum believe their's could stretch to accomidated that?


And I don't hate anyone.





I'm 25, not 15.


i watched a porn with a foot-long guy having sex with a woman. and yes it all fit. i dont know where, but it all went in.

and then a blonde woman came in and deepthroated him. ALL of him.

sky is the limit.

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WOW, very disrespectful post! he never said he hates anyone or anything.

Also he is right, most women can't get away with a 12 inch penis and I say it as a girl who is into bigger penises.


he's been VERY disrespectful to me in this thread... all the while not contributing ANYTHING to the OP's question

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WOW, very disrespectful post! he never said he hates anyone or anything.

Also he is right, most women can't get away with a 12 inch penis and I say it as a girl who is into bigger penises.


honey, I'm in a Biology of Human Reproduction class and have read things from a medical standpoint on this... YES ANY VAGINA EVEN IF THE GIRL IS SHORT AND TINY, CAN WITHSTAND ANY SIZE PENIS.



its true.... he's just trying to make himself feel better (he's posted on other threads that he's like 4-5 inches) by attacking not only the OP and his size but the fact that women can take in much longer than him (he doesn't like it)


oh, and attacking me by saying that he thought i couldn't take a 12 inch

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i watched a porn with a foot-long guy having sex with a woman. and yes it all fit. i dont know where, but it all went in.

and then a blonde woman came in and deepthroated him. ALL of him.

sky is the limit.



I've watched a few myself, and most who claim to be that size aren't. Close to that size, but not quite.


But yea some can take a really huge one all the way. Doesn't mean it was comfortable tho.




And to the other poster.....I haven't attacked anyone.

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honey, I'm in a Biology of Human Reproduction class and have read things from a medical standpoint on this... YES ANY VAGINA EVEN IF THE GIRL IS SHORT AND TINY, CAN WITHSTAND ANY SIZE PENIS.



its true.... he's just trying to make himself feel better (he's posted on other threads that he's like 4-5 inches) by attacking not only the OP and his size but the fact that women can take in much longer than him (he doesn't like it)


oh, and attacking me by saying that he thought i couldn't take a 12 inch


he did not attack you, he just said he thinks you probably can not. And sorry but I dont agree that any vagina can stand any penis size. I had friends that really could not fit in some larger penises. even if you see in porn big penises can rarely go completely in a girl. trust me, it is porn if they could they would.

it might be something they say in theory is possible if the girl is super ready and is in her best she can fit in any size, but rarely that happens.

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It sounds like she's not really into having sex with you. I doubt it has anything to do with your size or the duration. It definitely sounds like a deeper issue here.


Anyway, since you asked:


15 min/ 5+ for me.


Come on i dont think it has nothing to do with the" she not into having sex", mabe she feels the pain, on like me i does sometimes be in this same possition and my guy is not that big a little long and it hurts like hell, so its just the person inside and how much they can stand, everybody have intercourst differently. Its probably unconfortable, think possitive once. for me3 mins to 5 for the most , everyone like it differently and i don't like long sex it gets out of taste it makes me feel like the person dont enjoy me.

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