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The problem is I love him too much

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I started out with my exboyfriend as friends, then our relationship turned to love. He even proposed but because I knew that my parents won't agree, I refused. When I knew I couldn't live without him, I accepted. When I said "yes", he said he wanted to tell me something about him which I don't know but I should give him time for him to think about the words. That evening I got a phone call from his boss, who is my boss and liked me too, told me that my boyfriend had someone pregnant. When I confronted him with the truth, I advised him to go back to her for the sake of the baby. He told me it was a one night thing, but I still insisted. He loved me and I loved him. His problem was his unborn baby, and mine was my parents who l refuse to let us marry for cross-cultural issues. Eventhough I knew about his problem, I kept going with the relationship. He did not want to hurt me he left me for a month hoping that I would forget him. During that time I went crazy and I returned to my job where he works just to be next to him. He used to sing to me at work, we did not meet again outside work. I felt depressed, listened to love songs, took sleeping pills. He decided to follow my advise and get married to the other woman, and I decided to get myself deported so I won't live in the same country where he lives. So I signed a paper that led for me to come back to my country and get engaged. I've been here for five months, haven't seen my ex for nine months. I still call him, he sings for me and I continue to love him. I told him I was getting married in the summer, he said he wanted to come to my country and attend my wedding. (ofcouse I said it is tough for me to see him infront of me while I am marrying some one else) The fact is that he wants to continue to be my friend and I do too. The problem is I love him too much...After I talk to him, I feel happy for couple of days then I would want to call him again...but I don't. Give me advise please!

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