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What would you say if you had once chance?


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There are so many of us at this site that have experienced wonderous love, suffered loss, needed forgiveness or just got ourselves lost in so many different ways. What if you're person, your ex, your spouse, your love, were in front of you right now and you could say EXACTLY what you feel for them without all that hurt or fear or worrying about their feelings or whatever it is that chokes us up?




What would you say if you had that one chance?

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This is a rather pathetic one but hey, it really shows how bad my status really is.


I would basically tell the pathetic truths to an old (or maybe not so crush of what I think of her and how she's changed me. It'd be along the lines of:

"I still think your one of the prettiest and charming girls I've ever seen and that you're actually the first girl I've had the guts to ask out. I've never fallen for someone that heavily before and you're the main reason for me being the way I am now." (which is a mix of the usual lonely-induced depression/melancholy and weak determinism to do something about it)

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I would say, "Have no fear, I am always here, because you are my love, forever"

However, even with the chance, to say what you feel, it is a leap...always a leap of faith to put yourself out there...because it is not just rejection that could occur it is the other, whoever, may not believe you and this has to do with them...how they see life...sometimes it is a "till your blue in the face" type thing...you can have your peace, your moment, your heart speaking...but in the case of true love, in my opinion, both hearts need to be open, and full before the interaction, no expectation, no fear, and the leap is together....

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