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Where could this lead to....????


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Ok here is my situation.....me and a guy friend are really close. He has someone in his life and everything has been fine between us for a couple of years. Well anyway, we flirt with each other but nothing has come of it except one time, when he gave me a quick kiss. He uses endearments with me, that is just the way he is with people he is close too. When he goes out of town and gets back he will tell me sweetie, I'm home or he will text me in the morning to see if I'm awake(jokingly) if I need to get up early to go to work or do something really important. He does not do this with his other friends, cause we have some of the same friends, and I ask them if he does or not and they say no. I can tell he misses me sometimes and sometimes I will catch him staring at me. We feel very comfortable with each, so it is hard to tell this could lead to something more. He e-mails or talks to me when his gf is not around and that is when alot of the flirting goes on. He will tell me when he is going to e-mail me and it usually is when she is not around. Would this be considered as cheating? Could this lead to the "other woman"?

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Is it cheating? Not in my book. Cheating to me is when something beyond flirting exists between people. I've always thought it was fine to flirt at any age and stage in a relationship. However, you need to know when to do it and not do it. If you are in a relationship, you do not do it in front of your s.o. You do not hang out in the bar past midnight because the cute bartender was nice to you. You need to consider where your priorities really are. But just flirting, if it is real, is someone indicating you are attractive. All our egos need a little of that, from time to time.


Where could it lead? If he will cheat and you want him anywhere it might go. But why woudl you want to be the other woman? It's lonely with poor chance of there being future or happy ending.

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In my book it is cheating. Keeping secrets from your partner, especially when you're talking about the opposite sex is already cheating.


To say nothing has happened yet between you is a bit reductive. When he's with his girlfriend, who is he really thinking about. If it's you, then he's damaging his relationship with his girlfriend, and she already knows something's wrong.

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