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Well yesterday she wasn't talking to me, but today I found out why she did not talk to me.


Today she mentioned that she was mad at her mom because they had got in a fight yesterday (she said it in little more detail but i don't want to go into it all).


This made me feel good that it wasn't because of me that she didn't talk to me and also she shared her feelings with me which shows she trust me and feels as though im more than a friend.


I have not asked her face to face if she likes me, I do not want to scare her away. I'm planning to ask her if she would like to do something next week.


Today was a great day and you were right gotDNS, it wasn't my fault she was avoiding me.


I just wanted to report the good news, and I'll post some info about how my asking her out goes next week.


Cya'll later

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Good for you! I applaud that you are going to ask her to go out next week. Sometimes we automatically think the worst in situations and feel that bad circumstances are at our fault for one reason or another. Keep in mind that people have very complex lives and thier lack of communication or withdrawness is not always something that is in our hands. If the situation comes up, you should ask if there is anything that you have done or anything that you CAN do to help. If there isn't, then it may most likely be out of your hands and not even involve you. And from experience, many of the stages of being upset for me, involved arguments with my mother. It is something that many moms and daughters go through. Good luck next week!

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Hey man, that's great news! I've been following up on your posts, and I think that this is a big change since your last post... I'm glad it wasn't an issue with you why she was avoiding you. Just keep your cool, maybe you should hang out as friends before asking her out on a date? I don't know, it really depends on the girl... Well the best of luck to you, as always!

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Hey, that's good news!


Hang in there. I believe the right moment will come.


Be patient and in the meantime, shower her with your care and attention. Be there for her when she needs a listening ear.


I always feel elated when I see nice people pairing off. Hope to hear your good news soon mister! Cheerios.

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