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things you wish you didn't know about your SO


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hehahaaaaaaaaaaaa lmao...I am in tears laughing regarding his comment about can he have a reprieve....haaaa ...that's just as good as one of my co-workers told me a few weeks back after I asked about her bf of 7 years...she said oh honey...(in her thick Russian accent)...he is dismissed...hahahahahahah...god that's to funny

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I would be ok with that, depending on how it was said.


If it was like "I wouldn't tell you, because I wouldn't" that would be ok.


If it was like "I wouldnt tell you," pauses, "not that I would." then it would seem more like they are covering their tracks.


It was something inbetween, like "You know I'd never do that, I don't want you to think that's what I'm saying, but in a what if situation wouldn't you rather be told the truth because if it's a certain end to the relationship then it'd make it harder to tell you." Plus as I said I am pretty sure he's not cheating on me for the reasons I mentioned before.


To the OP, sorry to hear he turned out to be such a bastard. At least you got out of it before it got really nasty though.

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Yea, I'm partially glad and relieved that I'm out of it because I saved myself alot of hurt later on but at the same time I'm soo hurt that he feels and thinks this way and that I was lead to believe he wanted the same kind of relationship that I was thinking we were in. heh... it's pathetic but I feel sorry for myself that I keep finding these losers. Part of me just wants to go right out and start dating again so that I can prove him and myself wrong that there are nice guys out there and to go have a good time.The other part of me is sickened with the thought and I want to just be a hermit for awhile and feel sad...I don't know whats better honestly....cause I'm likely to not trust men for awhile and just want to be hurtful honestly...just to make myself feel better in some sick and demented way....I've been trying to deny it and just pretend it doesn't hurt and that I'm happy its over but....well I guess thats all a facade to protect myself. On his Face Book it says; "feeling really down... as if a piece of him has just been ripped out....." I'm not quite sure what to think of this, part of me is like yea right & the other part feels bad....but then why should I? I didn't do anything but protect myself. He tore out his own piece of whatever...I should be thinking shove it

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I'm glad you had the strength to get out of it when you did. I know it hurts but take comfort in the fact that you made the right decision. You couldn't have carried on wondering if he was going to cheat on you and from what he said I think he most probably would have.


Were there any signs that he might be this way during the relationship before you had this conversation?

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The only remote possibility of a clue was that he was reluctant to say we were in a relationship when we were first dating up until the 3rd or 4th month when he said that he was in love with me...but I thought that could have been due to still getting to know each other too...otherwise nothing. We have mutual friends that have known him longer and when one of them heard what he said they thought that I must have heard him wrong and when I confirmed it yesterday they were absolutely floored! They couldn't believe he would think that way...

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We have been broken up for one week now...gosh it seems like so much longer! In my mind it has been one and a half or two weeks-ish...but feels like a month atleast....

He seems to understand and has let go from what I can tell although I am still suspicious, that if given the chance he would try to talk to me about 'us' like he did two nights after the breakup. I have to talk to him because I owe him money for a large ticket item he helped me purchase...so can't just cut all ties, kinda have to be civil and be friends. But I have made it apparent that its OVER and there is NO chance for 'us'....


BTW new development in my life if interested...check it out, more drama but its the good kind this time...I am now dating my x finance from 2 years ago...more on that at the getting back together section....hmmmm what title?...When he has changed for the better...exciting stuff lol feel like I'm living in a soap opera, but I'm sooo happy!

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If your interested I have posted my new situation in the Getting Back Together section of Breaks ups and Divorce called 'When he changes for the better' This new relationship is NOT with the guy above but with a man that I was engaged to about 2 years ago....a story of hope Here is the link;




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Wow...my x bf S called me today...to save confusion I'll call him S and my x fiance who I'm dating again is A. So S says that he wants to talk...again...I have told him every time I have talked to him or IMed that there is no chance that we will get back together and he needs to let go. He doesn't get it! He said that in his mind we are in a fight, not broken up. So I told him point blank, I am now dating A, there is no chance! He persisted asking me if I really wanted to work it out with my x fiance or if I would give him (S ) another chance and talk about everything. He wanted to meet me in person. I just told him that I'm listening and he can talk to me on the phone. He is all broken up according to him and loves me deeply, he had to tell me that 3 times and that he thought we could work it out, which he told me several times as well. He has never felt this way about anyone and he wasn't there mentally when we had our break up and doesn't know why he said the things he did. I kinda feel bad for the guy, just because he really needs to do some learning about himself, relationships and life in general...and he needs to grow up. Not to mention thinking about his standards...and take this as a lesson to learn from. Ugh....please no more drama for me!!!! I'm getting really tired of it. I think if he tries to call me again I'm gonna tell him I'm doing NC and hang up....I'm just trying to be civil since we have mutual friends. Hopefully today will be the last I hear from him for a good long time.

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