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Energizer Bunny


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My lover goes on and on and on..... I havn't had an orgasm yet with him either, but I have come close. I think I just need more time to be emotionally comfortable with him first. Problem is, as enjoyable as sex is, it gets sore after too much time. Lube seems to help, but mostly I just want him to come quicker! How can I make this happen? I mean I know how, but why does he take so long. We don't use condoms so it is not that. Please help, my place of pleasure can't take it!

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Some men just have more stamina, and some women are just more sensitive......lol I can relate, I've had partners who've gone on.....and on........and ON......and I was at the point where I'm thinking, "My GOD, will you just finish UP already?!?!?!!!" So yeah, I know what you mean.....lol


Try more lube.......the more slippery it is, the less friction it'll cause/less discomfort to you. Or ask your boyfriend if he might be able to hurry it up a little, since your bits are a little more sensitive to all that stimuli than his bits! It needn't sound cruel, it's a simple request. If anything, he'll be flattered that he can go that long! (Just be NICE about it.....lol)


In regards to orgasm, many women can't achieve orgasm from intercourse. *raises hand* MANY. Men and women fit together VERY nicely, but men aren't shaped to rub our most sensitive spot during sex, the clitoris. If you're looking for added stimulation, ask him to use his finger to gently rub during sex. He can get a lot more precise that way than just during the sex itself! Show him the spots that feel good, and how you like to be touched, don't make him guess. If something feels good, stop everything else and let him concentrate on doing that one thing, or you concentrate on doing the one thing you're doing that makes him feel good. ASK him what he likes. People are so afraid to talk to their partners about sexually pleasing things, fearing they'll look inexperienced-WRONG! The best sex is the most informed sex, not to sound stupid.....lol


Give it a shot......have "playtime" and experiment with what turns on your lover, and let him know what really turns you on. Have him concentrate on those special spots that really get you going, and I'm thinking you'll have an orgasm in no time!



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He is doing all the right things and I do have orgasms during regular sex (usually when I am on top and can control it), but I am not emotianally open enough with him at this point. That usually takes awhile. I just want to make him come quicker and give myself a rest! Maybe we need more foreplay. I used to be afraid to give him head too long because I thought he would come too quick! LOL I guess I have been wrong. I will try to find out more what he likes too. I do know he likes to look at me, so I guess I will try to show him more. I know he likes to do it in positions that he can watch himself go in and out and slowly, and that doesn't really do it for me as much. I like to be on top creating friction and fast! Maybe we are incompatible?

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Doesn't sound like you're incompatable. Is there any position that you enjoy where watching is good for both of you? Like in front of a mirror? Men like to watch, there's something very erotic about it and we get to know you better. Remember that we are the biggest consumers of erotic magazines and porn.


Tells you something.


And next time you give him head, see how long it takes before he actually cums, then you'll have a gauge. Take him close and remember to make sure you're stimulated too.



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Talk to him as well for certain - a lot of guys will try to hold back to make it last longer thinking it's doing you a favor - if it's going on TOO long suggest more play and shorter intercourse, ask him if there's anything that pleases him faster - turn it into exploration. Talking about it will help the emotional connection as well and lead to more intimate conversations where you can open up to each other on other subjects more easily, and develop more of a connection.

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How funny! It never even occurred to me that he was trying to last long! I just assumed he wasn't cumming for some reason or another. I was actually worried that maybe I wasn't stimulating him enough somehow! He really seems to enjoy himself and has gone so far as to say that he really enjoys our sex. He likes to do it in lots of different positions and I am able and willing to do any and all he likes! A friend of mine encouraged me to talk dirty and verbally encourage him to cum when I am ready. I am going to try that. I don't want to hurt his feelings but I don't want to be hurt either!

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  • 1 year later...

Bridey say "cum for me baby give me your cum come on you can do it, give it to me, i want your cum, i want your semen in me." in the most sexy, naughty and as wanting a voice as you can. Make it sound like you will orgasm just by recieving his orgasm inside you.

What he is trying to do is please you as much as he can which is a sweet gesture but his penis is thrusting hard into the pelvic region for too long and likely gonna cause bladder infections eventually.

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