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Need advice on how to proceed.


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So my ex broke up with me on new years. I took him off my family plan for our cell phones. I told him that it was not for any malicious reasons but that i want him to start a new number on his own - a number that I will not know because the only way that I will heal is if there's NC. I did tell him that if he ever needed me he could email me or if enough time passed he could call me.


We did not speak for 3 days. I realized after that I had left quite a few personal items at his place that I wanted back so I emailed him. On the 3rd day of NC, he emailed me with his new phone number. i called it thinking that he had read my email and wanted to give me the number so I could contact him. Turns out he had not yet checked his mail and was giving it to me just to give to me. I would not have broken NC if I had known that was the case.


He was going out of town that day to go visit his family before he started school so i could not pick up on my belongings from his place. he told he he'd be back in 3 days. i texted him on the 3rd day and asked if i could drop by and get my stuff once he got home that night. he said yes and that he'd call me once he was close to home. however he ended up staying an extra night with his mom. what irritates me is that i was the one that had to contact him late wednesday night to find out he wouldnt be coming home. he should have let me know once he realized he wasn't coming home. rude.


so he came back yesterday and he has not contacted me to come get my stuff. he is being standoffish and cold. and that is FINE. WHATEVER. but why did you give me your f'ing new number if you had no intentions of talking to me or picking up my calls, and taking forever to respond to my texts. i feel that he should be the one that wants to get this over with. he should want me to go over there and get all my stuff so that i am out of his life for good. that way i have no more reasons to contact him and all loose ends are tied. so waht's the deal? at this point, i'm so irritated i just want my stuff back so that i dont have reason to contact him ever again.


i guess right now i'm very close to texting him and saying "why did you voluntarily give me your new number if you had no intentions of picking up my calls and taking days to respond to me text?" is that too * * * * * y? but why should i care right?


advice? thanks!!!

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as you would see on the forums that they are your ex for a reason they don't owe you anything and you don't owe them anything, yes it was rude and he probably should have gave you a heads up about it, but hes not with you anymore so why would he care?


but i just want my stuff back. cheese and rice!!!!

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Is it stuff you can easily replace? If so, I would suggest not contacting him ever again and just replace your stuff. Have him trash it or whatever.


If its stuff you cant replace - I would suggest - text him to leave all your stuff on his doorstep and what time/day you will be there. Dont ASK him when is a good time for him - TELL him and let it go.

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Is it stuff you can easily replace? If so, I would suggest not contacting him ever again and just replace your stuff. Have him trash it or whatever.


If its stuff you cant replace - I would suggest - text him to leave all your stuff on his doorstep and what time/day you will be there. Dont ASK him when is a good time for him - TELL him and let it go.



some of it is replaceable, but not other things like my external hard drive with a lot of data that i need.

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