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Never getting let down.


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Do you all believe that it is possible to meet someone that will never let you down? I have known so many people who have been let down by others that I feel like I, myself, will never find a person that won't let me down.


Is it possible to find someone who will treat you like gold?

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We are human...Which means we are imperfect. Imperfection leads to imperfect acts which consequently cause us to be let down from time to time. People can treat others like gold but they will still make you occasionally and unintentionally feel like a low grade of gold at times....Thats just life...

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Do you all believe that it is possible to meet someone that will never let you down? I have known so many people who have been let down by others that I feel like I, myself, will never find a person that won't let me down.


Is it possible to find someone who will treat you like gold?


I believe it is possible to find someone who will treat you like gold but do remember we are all human and thereforee not perfect so from time to time we will make mistakes.


Expecting perfection from someone is just setting yourself up for disaster.

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Do you all believe that it is possible to meet someone that will never let you down? I have known so many people who have been let down by others that I feel like I, myself, will never find a person that won't let me down.


Is it possible to find someone who will treat you like gold?


I definitly feel so (so far). I used to think just the way you described it. Till I found someone.


The ironic things is.. you need to find this "special person" to realise that you can find someone who'll treat you like gold. (Usually anyway.. or unless you see your friends in a happy relationship). It's just not the same when others are just telling you about it.

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Oh sorry.. forgot to add: not sure what you mean about "letting you down". I think at some point or the other we fail to live up to the others expecations and let them down. It's normal in human relationships.

These let downs, should lead to both people feeling closer once it get resolved I think (depending on how you where let down of course. Infidelity is not one of them..)

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People are fallible and human. They will let you down, and by the same token, you will let other people down - no matter how well intentioned you and they are.


This isn't a negative view, it's just reality. I've found that what works best for me is the assumption that people always do their best, which will depend on where they're at. Then it's much easier to evaluate who's reliable in which situations, for example, the person I would trust to fix my car without ripping me off is not AT ALL the same one I'd share my innermost secrets with!


Also, I've found it very important not to expect another person to do, or be, something for me which I should be doing for myself. Having unrealistic expectations of others can be a source of great disappointment; for example, if somebody agrees to meet you at a certain time and place, I think it's reasonable to expect them to do just that if they are normally reliable. But being unhappy with another person for not meeting an unspoken expectation, or for not fixing aspects of your life only you can fix can only lead to heartache. Or choosing to share really personal stuff with somebody who finds that kind of thing difficult to deal with ... all that sort of thing.


In terms of seeing how reliable people are, it's a matter of seeing how they operate generally. Someone who's consistently late for everything will probably be late for dates with you, for example.


Then there are unavoidable things, too. Accidents happen, illnesses happen. And everyone will die, someday.

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Do you all believe that it is possible to meet someone that will never let you down? I have known so many people who have been let down by others that I feel like I, myself, will never find a person that won't let me down.


Is it possible to find someone who will treat you like gold?


Everyone will let you down eventually, in one way or another. People aren't perfect, and even the people who really love and care about you will mess up.


That doesn't mean it's impossible to find someone that will treat you like gold. I think the key is finding someone that will apologize and make amends when the do inevitbaly let you down.

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When you have found the "right" match, the "letting down" will have a different feeling. You will feel that hurting you wasn't intentional & you will feel that love exists despite the pain.... You both will try to work with what happened, and try to find alternates for the next time around....


On the flip side you will let your partner down also, as much as you wouldn't knowingly want to do so. If you think of it yet another way, we even let ourselves down at times... It is all just an inevitable part of the human condition, how we respond to struggles, desires, uncertainties, learning curves, etc...


Important is the energy around the let down incidents toward self or partner, & handling them with wisdom, compassion, & love.......

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