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He wants it all on his terms


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Ok so this is going to be kind of a different post and hopefully and interesting one too. Ok so me and this guy have been best friends for a while now and we've kind of started a band together. We're a duo. So this whole thing kind of formed when we stated bunking P.E together. We went into the music rooms and started writing songs for fun and stuff. Hes kind of gay, well everyone in our year thinks this. Hes a big fan of girlbands, he likes pretending to be a girl, and hes really crazy. So he listens to really trashy music that i'm not into like i don't know if any of you have heard of a girlband called "Girls Aloud" well he listens to them and their sort of style really isn't my thing. Anyway hes become dead serious about this whole duo thing and he wants to try and make it into the music industry. I get the feeling he only wants to do it so that he can show these two guys up that he hates because they said he was a really bad singer (which he kind of is his voice is almost womenly like and is very strange). So i make my contribution by writing songs i teach them to him and he likes them and automatically gets himself the main parts and he kind of leaves me lingering in the background while he takes centre stage and i don't think this is fair. I've loved music from such a young age and the music he wants us to sing is pop and electro and i just don't feel i connect with this music. I connect more with artists like "Taylor Swift" and "Avril Lavigne". Basically this whole duo thing isn't working out for me. We look weird together singing and he acts like a girl and tries to be all sexy and its just too bizarre. I don't think he knows how hard it is to get into the music industry, there are so many competitors and so much competition. All he seems to care about is getting to number one and how are we going to do that when our songs are * * * * . Also i've tried to suggest we do some rock songs but he doesn't want to. So i don't want to be part of this duo anymore, i'd rather dostuff on my own that connects with me and is in my comfort zone. What should i tell him, i don;t want to hurt his feelings cos basically well i'm the only friend he can trust and rely on.

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I'd be honest with him. It doesn't sound like a good partnership or duo so far. Band members don't always get along, but atleast they should agree with the music or make some sort of compromise from time to time.

If he is only thinking about his needs, he's better off finding band members who are ok with this. Either that, he should go solo.

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Thanks you guys are right, i can't really dea lwth this much longer, hes now arranging our albums and our tours and its just getting a bit too obsessive. its os ridiculous because we haven't even been discovered yet and i know that he won't be good enough to make it but he acts like he is.

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