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how can you tell... "/


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im not sure why this guy is telling me these things. we have a history, he liked me but I told him I couldn't be with him at the time... and since then he found a new girl.


he was going into great detail about what they do late at night when they are alone together... all the kinda things he would talk to me about back when he was pursuing me...


it kind of bothers me that he's telling me this because im not sure why. is he trying to make me jealous? how can you tell?


im pretty sure he is still atleast physically attracted to me, because he most definitely was before, and that's not something you just turn off, physical attraction.

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hmmm..what kind of history? were you boyf and girlf before?


maybe he's just confiding in you as a friend, but it does sound kind of strange that he would tell you in great detail what he's up to.


If it bothers you then i would say something no point making yourself miserable by letting him carry on like this. You have to be a bit selfish sometimes and think about your own feelings.


By all means stay friends but just say that it not nice hearing all these details. Or you could ask him ouright why he telling you all this?

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If he's still into you, he's probably just trying to act like he's moved on. Or, he's trying to make you jealous. I had a male friend that I got a little too close to during a rocky time in my relationship. I'm not sure exactly what reaction I was looking for, but I would tell my boyfriend about him just to get some kind of reaction.

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well, it could be one of a few things considering I am currently experiencing a similar situation.


One of the reasons could be that he is attempting to make you jealous. It all depends....especially if he is bragging about what he can do for his girlfriend. It could be his way of saying " Look what you missed out on"


On the other hand, even if he does still find you physically attractive, he has come to terms with the fact that you don't have any romantic feelings for him. He may accept the fact that you put him in the friend zone and he has decided to abide by that. He may just feel comfortable telling his friend about his private life.

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well, it could be one of a few things considering I am currently experiencing a similar situation.


One of the reasons could be that he is attempting to make you jealous. It all depends....especially if he is bragging about what he can do for his girlfriend. It could be his way of saying " Look what you missed out on"


On the other hand, even if he does still find you physically attractive, he has come to terms with the fact that you don't have any romantic feelings for him. He may accept the fact that you put him in the friend zone and he has decided to abide by that. He may just feel comfortable telling his friend about his private life.

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