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Why are some of the most extremely talented folks also some of the most


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Perhaps because many are introverts, so when they have strong creative feelings they are focussed on specific and non-social things, like music, poetry, art etc. Maybe, just like some people on the austistic spectrum, what they lack in social skills they make up for in focus and attention to detail. It depends what you mean by 'talent' and what you mean by 'messed up'.


But I wonder how true any generalisation about talent and being messed up actually is anyway. There are probably a great many extremely talented people in all sorts of areas who just do their thing and no one stops to wonder about their mental health. What about scientists, designers, engineers, etc? Social analysts, IT specialists, chefs, doctors etc etc etc

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i agree with caro.


but if you are thinking more along the lines of hollywood, well, that's just the lifestyle. sex drugs and rock and roll.

they aren't messed up individuals, usually, until making it and getting constantly bashed by the media, and competing with people who are better-looking, more talented, and more charismatic.

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Sometimes the things that make them messed up are the source of their talent. I'm good friends with this girl that has serious problems dealing with life in general. She has attempted suicide, snorts pain pills, is on loads of medication, etc but is the most talented writer I know and her works are nothing short of brilliant. All of the things in her life has given her so much to write about and she puts all of that into poetry.

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True some peoples inspiration comes from hard mental times, drug use, lack of sleep, hunger, anger, etc. Not to say that "happy/normal" artist are complacent, but the ones that create the most are the ones that are the most unhappy, or are never satisfied with their work, and borderline obssessive. Thats just from my experience dealing with the Music/Art scene.


Many creative people are not afraid to be weird in front of others also. We are all a little kooky.

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Well I do think this could be a great question... but I wouldn't use messed up in the head. I guess it comes down to there are two different kinds of people, imo. Creative people and mathematical people. I think while many things are similar between these two there are a lot of differences just from the way they think.

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You could get into the whole left brain right brain thing, it's the same concept. I am not sure how true it really is though. I know plenty of people who are neither creative or mathematical - the subtleties are perhaps there but by the time you unpick it all it's lost the value of the generalisation in the first place.

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I'm a creative person. I'm a musician and I am constantly writing songs in my head. It's almost like being schizophrenic only with melodies instead of voices. I know that sounds weird but it's true!


I think one of the reason why creative people tend to be messed up is because it's hard to live with a brain that won't let up! I definitely think that's why I over indulge in things the way I do. I can't tolerate silence. I can't sleep in silence. My brain works overdrive and the only way to make it calm down is via intoxication.


I don't think I'm alone in this, most writers, poets, artists and musicians seem to be this way too.

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