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8 months and still hurtin pretty bad.....

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Ok....here my situation...maybe i could get some good advice here.


Me and my Ex were together for a little more than 3 years ending in June, i broke up with her....we didnt speak for a few months after. I would casually call her every once in a while to see how things were.


Anyways, a few more months have passed and im still not over the girl....i love her more than anything, leaving her has been the biggest mistake of my life. Im 25 and she is 23.....i was just immature and ruined a very good thing.


I pretty much broke down this afternoon and went over her house. She saw me at the door and gave me a big smile and let me in no problem. We spoke about alot of our good times, which we had ALOT..she tells me she has totally blocked out the bad things she had with me and only thinks about the good now....what is this supposed to mean?


She tells me she cant imagine ever having the type of relationship we had with anyone else...i feel the same. Ive dated a few people since our breakup and all I think about is her and how much i truly miss her, I only want her...nobody else. We talked about some stuff for about 2 hours and then her sister called long distance so I let her go. She told me its cool if i stop by here and there to talk about things....i really dont know what to make of this. We're both still single and couldnt ever be friends if one of us had someone new...im wondering if i have another shot here.


Anyways with valentines day coming up i got a very touching card and a small box of chocolates with a rose attached to it. I wrote a few things in the card about how i miss her. I also put the box that im mailing a box of mints that has sentimental value betwen us and a picture of me and her that she always liked. She lives in the same town as me but im gonna let the post office do all the delivering instead of me. I wrote at the end of the card..."If you someday feel like you can believe that im still in love with you..... come and get me, you know where to find me"


I sometimes cry myself to sleep at night becuse of what i ruined....I wont be the crazy EX trying to get her back every single day. Ill just leave suttle reminders that im still in love with her and want to try it again the right way. I have alot of regrets....im very sad. I know the ball is in her court now....any advice/?????

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If you love her that much you better go and get her! I mean it! She obviously still loves you and from what i understand she has nothing against you. You sound like you have a good woman. Make this Valintines day your advantage and go get ur girlfriend back! Plan a very romantic evening together. I really mean it! You let me know how things go too. I hope everything works out for you.

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Thanx 4 the replies guys....


Unfortunately her parents own a restaurant...shes a waitress and will most likely be working all day and night there on valentines day...


Ive made a few stupid mistakes in the past with her...no i didnt cheat...i have a huge hole in my heart and it just seems to get bigger every month that passes without her.


If anyone has any good ideas for valentines day plz let me know. Im thinking of sending her flowers while shes waiting on valentine lovers at the restaurant on valentines day.


I just hope im the only one sending er something on saturday.

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well i read ur story and i am pretty sure that both of you r still very much in love. Let me tell u something from a woman's side, even if you do send her flowers thru post and stuff.. she will still be in a state of indecision and wondering why you did not bring those flowers yourself, i believe and trust me on this/.. the best thing would be to make her feel real special in front of people. This will be a huge ego boaster for her and with so many ppl around, chances r she would want to give you a chance.. because she certainly wouldnt want the public opinion against her Just surprise her at work but u should be the one carrying the flowers and not some postman.. take care.. hope this works.. do let us know what happened...


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well i read ur story and i am pretty sure that both of you r still very much in love. Let me tell u something from a woman's side, even if you do send her flowers thru post and stuff.. she will still be in a state of indecision and wondering why you did not bring those flowers yourself, i believe and trust me on this/.. the best thing would be to make her feel real special in front of people. This will be a huge ego boaster for her and with so many ppl around, chances r she would want to give you a chance.. because she certainly wouldnt want the public opinion against her Just surprise her at work but u should be the one carrying the flowers and not some postman.. take care.. hope this works.. do let us know what happened...



Now someone is thinking.....


I think thats what im gonna do....put on a nice shirt and tie....nice slacks and walk through that front door with a nice arrangement. Whats some good flowers to do something like this with? When i go to florist what do i ask for?


Her family all works there for the most part and they havent seen me in a long time...i was pretty close with most of em. Its gonna be a big surprise to see me do something like this.....hopefully shes working that day....its not a lock.

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Same advise as Sarah01.... Go for it, go to her workplace with a beautiful bunch of flowers and your biggest smile, make her the biggest surprise ever, she will get emotional anyway, as well as everybody around who will be celebrating Valentine... The environment will play in your favor...


Keep us updated... Best of luck!

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Im still wondering what kind of flower arrangement i should go for here.....if she doesnt take a liking to this stunt then I know shes not gonna be for me.


Not to be conceided but im a good looking guy with a great personality, i wouldnt have a problem finding someone new...i just want her. Hopefully someone will be looking down from above for my sake on saturday afternoon.

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Im gonna post a bit more before i go to sleep.....i really appreciate people taking time to help me sort this stuff out.


We have both had our time apart.....8 months with minimal contact. Today just threw me over the top...we were talking and laughing about things like we were never apart from each other. I saw the look on her face when i was telling her about how my job was going...she was asking about my pet fish and lizard that she took a real liking to when we were together. I felt like we were reminiscing quite a bit on our good past together, made me wanna cry. She was looking at me with those eyes like she wanted me back around.


Its just so hard to know if she still wants me, i would die for this girl...I just hope shes not with anyone she hasnt told me about....that would hurt.


I pretty much put the ball back in her court because of my appearance at her house today. Im going to take advantage of this valentines holiday in 3 days....im gonna take my confident self through those front doors and give her these flowers, give her a kiss on the cheek and tell her happy valentines day.


Her reaction to this will either be good.....or bad.


Like i saw someone say in another thread "The biggest risk taken is not taking a risk at all"

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Perhaps the time apart has helped your lady realize what a special guy you are. Talking & laughing about the good times you shared is a good sign. Giving space without pressure while letting her know the door to your heart is still open is not always easy, but it will draw her closer than having expectations.


While roses are the traditional flowers given for Valentine's, how about something extraordinary that would trigger a special moment you two shared. Who doesn't love a special thought .... for example,


A bouquet of Wild Flowers, along with a book "Great Love Poems" by Shane Weler (a 4.5 star best seller)


Tuck in a special book marker as a visual reminder of you...and/or a packet of "Forget-Me-No Seeds" would be sweet too.


Good luck and let us know how your special day was. She's a lucky gal!


take care,


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Perhaps the time apart has helped your lady realize what a special guy you are. Talking & laughing about the good times you shared is a good sign. Giving space without pressure while letting her know the door to your heart is still open is not always easy, but it will draw her closer than having expectations.


While roses are the traditional flowers given for Valentine's, how about something extraordinary that would trigger a special moment you two shared. Who doesn't love a special thought .... for example,


A bouquet of Wild Flowers, along with a book "Great Love Poems" by Shane Weler (a 4.5 star best seller)


Tuck in a special book marker as a visual reminder of you...and/or a packet of "Forget-Me-No Seeds" would be sweet too.


Good luck and let us know how your special day was. She's a lucky gal!


take care,



LOL, where would i get "forget-me-not" seeds? Ive never heard of them...


The book idea is a good though but i dunno about walking into a busy restaurant with it would work out too well.


Yes, shes a lucky girl and im a lucky guy to be able to have these sort of feelings for somebody. Hopefully everything works out for me on saturday...when i give her these flowers im gonna tell her straight up that i miss her very much and i still love her.


My life just hasnt been the same since we split and i have a huge void in my heart. She knows how i feel....hopefulyy she can see what im doing here and give me another chance.

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Well.....now the story starts to get funny.


Today i go into the florist to order my 50 dollar arrangement and guess who walks in the floral shop? No, not her.....her father!


We exchanged a few hellos' and how you doings'....he asked who the flowers were for. I told him you'll be seeing me at your restaurant on saturday early afternoon....


I asked him how he felt about this and he said "Im not saying anything....no comment" Not in a bad or rude way....just said it like that.


Now im extra nervous....saturday better get here soon.

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Does anybody think this method of going to her work and doing this is taking it a bit too far?


I mean maybe shes really busy at work being that its valentines day and all....and i all come trampling in and making a small scene.


If anyone thinks i shouldnt do this..please speak up now before i embarrass myself.

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Does anybody think this method of going to her work and doing this is taking it a bit too far?


I mean maybe shes really busy at work being that its valentines day and all....and i all come trampling in and making a small scene.


If anyone thinks i shouldnt do this..please speak up now before i embarrass myself.


Oddjob, I've just read your story and (for what it's worth), my opinion is thus:


If you don't do this, you are going to regret it....take a chance mate

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