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Moving in with bf in parent's house


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My mom told me today that the ppl who live in the 2nd floor of our house (it's a 3 apt building) is moving out in 2 weeks. It is a 2 bedroom apt. She asked me if I wanted to live there and pay rent. We had discussed it in the past and I had mentioned that I would be interested in doing that. She asked me if I knew anyone who would want to live there with me so I wouldn't have to pay the whole rent. I jokingly mentioned my boyfriend. To me surprise, she said that would be fine.


I just wanted some input from you guys. What would be the pros and cons living with my boyfriend in my parent's house? Yes it will be me and my bf's apartment, but I don't know how awkward it would be for all of us. Would you guys do it?

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hmm well depends on how cool YOUR parents are. i personally wouldnt want that specific kind of living arrangement, b.c the whole point of me moving out would have to do with me wanting my own space altogether, away from my family. i wouldnt want them seeing me and bf go in and out, observing our lives and perhaps coming in unexpectedly. but thats just me.

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I think that could work out just fine IF your parents like your bf, and they're not too meddling. If they're more laid back and aren't going to be all in your business all the time then I think you're in good shape. If, on the other hand they're going to be getting all nosy, probably not a great idea.

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Keep quiet if those walls are thin and you don't want your parents in on your business of any matters. Although if your getting your own place, why not just get one elsewhere away from the parentals?


Well right now I am paying my parents "rent" every month. I pretty much just help the family with finances. But because of the amount I give them, it would be very hard for me to pay rent to a landlord and still help out with finances. If I live in the apartment, I will paying them slightly more than what I pay now to help with finances and take care of the rent.

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Is it a completely separate apartment, with its own entrance, kitchen, bathroom, etc? Have you lived with him before? Woudl your parents be ok with this sort of arrangement?


It is a completely separate apartment with its own everything. We have never lived together before but I spend every weekend at his place. My mom is okay with the arrangement. I was expecting her to say no when I had jokingly mentioned it but she was all for it. I think she may watn to just be able to keep an eye on me where I'm still under their roof but I would have more privacy then living with them.

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It is a completely separate apartment with its own everything. We have never lived together before but I spend every weekend at his place. My mom is okay with the arrangement. I was expecting her to say no when I had jokingly mentioned it but she was all for it. I think she may watn to just be able to keep an eye on me where I'm still under their roof but I would have more privacy then living with them.


Based on your previous posts, you may want to work out issues you have with your boyfriend before you consider such a large step with him. Also, would he be splitting the costs with you? Have you discussed this all wtih him yet?

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Based on your previous posts, you may want to work out issues you have with your boyfriend before you consider such a large step with him. Also, would he be splitting the costs with you? Have you discussed this all wtih him yet?


I was thinking the same thing. We will definitely be having a long talk tonight about what a big committment this will be and if we should take this step.


We will be splitting the cost of the apartment and utilities. It will be equal for the both of us. I don't want him to only jump on board with the idea if he's thinking it will be an opportunity for him to get a bigger place for cheap.


He's at work right now so I haven't had the opportunity to talk it out with him yet. I wanted to get some insight from others to see if I should even put the offer on the table. A little while back we did joke about this scenario coming up and he seemed to be okay with the idea, so I guess I'll wait to see what his reaction is. If he says it's too awkward for him, then I don't have to think about it!

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How lpong have you guys been dating? How is your relationship otherwise (aside from the trust issues and what not?)?


We have been together for 2 years and we get along great. We hardly ever argue. We are very understanding of each other's flaws and we communicate pretty well. We can just sit at home and be silent and do our own thing and it's just comfortable. But yes, other than the insecurities and trust issues that I have, we are in a very happy relationship.

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We have been together for 2 years and we get along great. We hardly ever argue. We are very understanding of each other's flaws and we communicate pretty well. We can just sit at home and be silent and do our own thing and it's just comfortable. But yes, other than the insecurities and trust issues that I have, we are in a very happy relationship.


That's good. how old is he? How stable are both your jobs? Will you both be on a lease with your parents' apartment?

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He is 26 and I am 23. We have stable jobs and he has never missed a month of rent where he lives now so I know he's responsible and he knows I'd have a foot up his butt if he ever took advantage of the situation if he were to live with me.


I'm not sure how the lease would work though. I haven't talked that out with my parents. I just got off the phone with him and he said he will think about it. He has no reservations about moving in with me at all, but he thinks he might feel a little awkward being so close to my parents so he says he'll think about it. I mentioned to him that if we do this, we will be paying first and last month rent up front. I just want to take precaution just in case we break up for any reason in the future and he doesnt bail out without paying last month's rent. I know he wouldn't do that but just in case. He didn't have a problem with that at all. We're probably gonna have to make a pros and cons list before we come to a final decision.

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