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Is this a bladder problem or..I have no idea?


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This is a bit embarrassing for me lol. Actually, i know it doesn't sound like a big deal, but i'm still scared to write it


It's possible that this problem is more common, but i'm not so sure..


What happens to me is : if i need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night to pee, i end up being unable to get out of bed.


It's as if my brain is receiving the signal that i need to go, but my body is not strong enough to just get up and go.


So what happens is i end up holding it in for the whole night, and when i wake up i feel very tired and not well rested, and i need to go the bathroom as soon as possible after fully waking up.


I would compare the feeling i get to a situation where you are sleeping while hearing very loud noises outside through-out the night. You can't stop the noises. Even if you end up sleeping it becomes a very light sleep and you wake up feeling really tired. You are not well rested.


I know the solution would seem simple - just get out of bed and go. But it's literally as if my body is unable to go. At first i thought it was lazyness or something, but i don't think it is. If a person really needs to go badly they usually just go...so i don't know what my problem is


I end up holding it in for the whole night and i know this isn't healthy, but it happens to me quite often. I do it unconsciously, automatically.

I just try not to drink any liquids before bed though. But if i do drink liquids, it almost always happens to me.


I wonder why this happens

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Yep, i always try to go right before going to bed, but it only seems to really have to come out in the middle of the night (if i have been drinking many liquids -usually water/tea). But at night, it's as if i am unable to fully awake when my brain tells me 'you need to go', and my body lays there for the whole night. It's really weird because i seem to hold it inside automatically..but there is no reason to do that.

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Hmm, i'm not sure if it always happens at the same time, but i don't think it does.


I wonder if it might help to set your alarm for sometime in the middle of the night. That might actually wake you up enough to get up and go to the bathroom. Just a thought.


Otherwise, you may want to call your Dr. and see what he/she thinks.

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I wonder if it might help to set your alarm for sometime in the middle of the night. That might actually wake you up enough to get up and go to the bathroom. Just a thought.


Otherwise, you may want to call your Dr. and see what he/she thinks.


My thoughts exactly. Put the alarm close by the bathroom too if you can or at the door of your room if the bathroom is outside of your room.


I usually go to the bathroom before bed and sometimes once through the night but always in the morning.


The fact that you aren't getting up to go..... is it causing you pain? I'm just curious because many people go through the night without going?

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It doesn't really cause me pain but it causes some discomfort when i fully wake up though. I feel really heavy and i rush to go to the bathroom. I also just feel really tired in general when it happens. It has been happening for about a year i think.

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^ I don't know - if you aren't getting rest - that's not good. But, often I awake in the am and have to rush to the potty. Not alarming for me......


I'd try the alarm clock.


Honestly, it seems mostly just that you happen to need to go to the bathroom in the night, you have a hard time waking up, so you have to rush to the bathroom in the am. Right? If that's worrying you, definitely talk to your dr but it wouldn't be alarming to me.

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The other thing to do is drink a lot of water during the day, but don't drink anything a few hours before bed so that your body is not processing fluids while you're sleeping.


Also, at your age you should be able to hold it and sleep thru with no problems. So you might consider a checkup with the doctor to investigate why. You could have a constant low grade bladder infection that makes the urge more frequently and wakes you up.

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