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Hello everyone,

It's amazing how we go through different stages after a breakup. I'm now starting to realize that it wasn't my fault the way I thought and I've realized this by typing up a "letter to my ex" that he will probably never get. So many things that he thought about me were wrong.


I realized I made the mistake of getting with an immature, depressed person that doesn't know what they want.....AGAIN! Why? It's interesting though when I first started dating him, so many things in me were screaming to not do it. I was even reluctant to say yes when he asked me out. But I went against my gut feeling and started dating him.


We soon started to fight about everything. I realized now though that these fights were NOT my fault. SOME of them were but NOT ALL of them. He was an individual that cares so much about video games and doesn't know what he wants to do with his life. Don't get me wrong, I love video games but there's something wrong with spending all your time in a girl's apartment just "hanging out". He was obsessed with one of "our" friends. So much that he just spoke about her all the time and stared at her. I don't know what went through his mind but honestly, I wish I hadn't taken one of our friend's advice.


Please help. I don't even know what to say anymore because I'm so angry. I can't sleep, I'm getting bothersome bowel movements again. I can't speak with him about this because I'm doing "no contact" but it's not right.

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just continue to be strong with no contact. the last thing you want to do is talk to him, and get even angrier and make him feel like u still care about him. what a poo. im glad you can see how much better off you can be without an aimless, inconsiderate guy like him, who obviously has a lot to learn. just spread peace and love; the angry stage will pass, you'll let it all go and realise that you just hope he finds his own way b.c you'll be well and truly off and running on a new course of your own. good luck.

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