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Is there anyone that does not want to get married?

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Well, I definitely want to get married


In your everyday life how many times to you actually stop and show to your SO and to your family and friends that there is love in your life and you wish to share it with everybody?


Why would you deny yourself one special day more?


i would get married in Vegas for my special day

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  • 2 weeks later...
No, I would not get married. I wouldn't participate in an institution that is denied to the gay and lesbian community in my country. I expect same-sex couples to have exactly the same rights as I do in my hetero relationship. Until then, marriage is not something I would consider.


Don't deny yourself something like that, it's not about you, don't make it about you. Just help do something about it. People not getting married doesn't change it at all.

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Is there anyone that does not want to get married? If so what is your reason?


it's not a life plan, i've enjoyed my marriages, partly, and would never say no to the future. but i feel as though i'm better suited not to be married. i love my own home and life, and i love the way that i can welcome someone in without the drama a merging households etc. But, as with death, most things come to an end, so if i did get divorced again, it would be sad, but i would go on.

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