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5 months later (an update)

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I figured I'd post a little update on how I'm doing, perhaps just to remind myself that I have made progress and I am feeling a bit better. This is a big change from when i felt like putting a gun to my head. I suppose that moving home has made the biggest difference. Living 1000 miles away from family tends to make you more sad.


So, I moved back to Los Angeles. Sure, the traffic sucks.. but I'm really enjoying work. I started taking Lexapro and it has really helped a lot. I feel like it's taken the extreme feelings of both the highs and lows away, allowing me to not stress too much about things.


Soon, i'm going to be moving in with a few people near Venice (liberal arty section of Los Angeles) I'm really hoping i don't run into the ex (she lives there now) I always wanted to live down there, even though she never did at the time. Go figure. Not moving there for her at all.


I'm also going back to school, starting with general ed class at SMC, then hopefully transfer to UCLA. I'm thinking of studying architecture, or perhaps something in design. I just feel like a new path has been laid out and I'm liking how it's going so far. The next step is to sell my car and get a motorcycle. Sure, it's dangerous, but I miss riding and I can lane-split through traffic in the morning.


I just wanted to stress to all of you out there that it does indeed get better. It takes work, but you can heal. I still have my bad days, but it's manageable.


Keep your head up...

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