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Hey, just need to vent this I guess and get anyones input coz I dont really wanna brting it up with friends.


My ex and I broke up nearly 3 months ago now after being on again and off again over 2 years. We havnt spoke at all since then (which suiteed me perfectly) except for a few texts back and fort ha month ago about her birthday whereby she invited me and I said no and pretty much told her not to get in contact with me again. Reason for this was our last break up happened because I found out she had cheated on me. She doesnt know I know though because I didnt bring it up to avoid any drama or getting other people involved/in trouble, just wanted out of the relationship, and she obviously did too.


Anyway, last week she was at a party and met one of my friends. The first thing she said to him was shes now seeing 3 guys and is very proud of her player status and so on. Then last night I got a drunken text at 2.30am from her asking "how I am, what Im up to and shes just wondering how things are". I texted her back the following morning and she continued to text me for a few hours asking me about anything and everything going on with my life, despite me being very short and abrupt in my replies to the point where I thought I was being very rude. She also mentioned she had spoke to my friend at the party


So Im kinda pissed off a bit now because Im not sure if she was telling my friend shes with 3 guys now to have the message passed onto me to make me jealous or if she was trying to mess with my head or something. And the simple fact she sent me a text in the middle of the night less than a month after I told her I had no interest in knowing her anymore or speaking to her was annoying to say the least. Also, Im kinda worried about her, if it is true shes seeing 3 guys now, because they all dont know shes seeing other guys simultaneously, and she met them online on websites, and shes only 21, theyre all older. Its just something that Im worried could end up with her getting hurt (not just emotionally hurt....).


Anybody have any take on why shes acting like this, or if I should do anything for her. At the moment I dont care and wanna just wash my hands of it, but as I said, Im worried a bit about her because of what the outcome could be.


Thanks (PS. Sorry for the lenght of the post

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Thanks for the reply tyler. Really dunnoa what to think of it, it just bothers me to do so. Just wish I knew if the whole thing was an elaborate thing she cooked up to try annoy me, or if she really is seeing all these guys and was just bragging, although she knows that that guy was a close friend of mine so the news definitely wouldve reached me. Then with the whole drunken texts...... ughhh. Worried about her and disappointed with how shes acting. Pain in the ass

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Happened to me. She actually did it. I found out from her emails. I know the pain. Who with slightest dignity and self respect will put herself out as a * * * * * in front of her friends and your friends? But in any case if she does or does not, ITS NOT YOUR PROBLEM.

She chose her own and now just let go. Tell your friends that you don't want to know about her.

I know the pain but then again. Not your problem anymore.

Tell her that all your friends know what she have done and you cant disrespect yourself by getting back together with her even for a coffee, Tell her go jump in the lake.

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Happened to me. She actually did it. I found out from her emails. I know the pain. Who with slightest dignity and self respect will put herself out as a * * * * * in front of her friends and your friends? But in any case if she does or does not, ITS NOT YOUR PROBLEM.

She chose her own and now just let go. Tell your friends that you don't want to know about her.

I know the pain but then again. Not your problem anymore.

Tell her that all your friends know what she have done and you cant disrespect yourself by getting back together with her even for a coffee, Tell her go jump in the lake.


Yea I know what ya mean. I was honestly shocked when I heard she was seeing the 3 guys and the level of detail she gave my friend about them (their ages and occupations, and which one she regards as the 'intellectual' onme she can talk to), and she even joked she was texting 2 of them at once and sent the wrong message to one of them and nearly got caught.


Overall though Im not angry, I was just very very disappointed she was hooking up with guys who she had just met shortly before hand over the internet and that she was bragging about it to my friend, knowing Id hear about it, and worried for her too obviously. And to be honest, for some reason I feel a slight bit of embarrassment about my friends knowing how shes acting.


But then after she was texting me I dont know if it was just her way of trying to get my attention, or piss me off, because my friend told me it was literally the first thing she told him. I left her with no misunderstandings last time that I didnt want to stay in touch with her and had no interest.


Thanks for the input everyone, appreciate it

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She was trying to get your attention. She probably feels bad about herself.

Its like kids, they make a mess, and then, since its a mess, they make it messier. After that they go and cry.

Also don't be embarrassed for her actions. You did noting wrong. She screwed up.

Just make sure that everyone knows what she did, with other words: who she really is.

These type of girls want to act like a * * * * * and pretend to be a princess/angle.

All you need to do is to make sure your friends know that you didn't do anything wrong, so be open about it.

Then leave it. Not your problem any more.

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