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Can you really "love" someone in under 2 weeks?

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Well according to page 3 of The Universal Guide to Love and Relationships, no you can't. It takes approximatley 89.5 hours of physical communication, long walks on the beach and 3 romantic dinners, on average, to be in love. ??????????????????????? Will you people STOP! just for a second and try to realise that love cannot be defined. It's inexplicable, it cannot be completely understood and it is subjective to EVERYTHING. There is no uniform structure to it! It does not follow a certain path. Stage one Stage two: Pre-Love Stage three: True Love. God you people make me so frustrated sometimes.

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Well according to page 3 of The Universal Guide to Love and Relationships, no you can't. It takes approximatley 89.5 hours of physical communication, long walks on the beach and 3 romantic dinners, on average, to be in love. ??????????????????????? Will you people STOP! just for a second and try to realise that love cannot be defined. It's inexplicable, it cannot be completely understood and it is subjective to EVERYTHING. There is no uniform structure to it! It does not follow a certain path. Stage one Stage two: Pre-Love Stage three: True Love. God you people make me so frustrated sometimes.


Sorry. Not agreeing with somethign here are you?


I dont think anyone said anything about hours of communication, long walks or any of the sort.


Is your dramatic approach meant to highlight something?

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Well according to page 3 of The Universal Guide to Love and Relationships, no you can't. It takes approximatley 89.5 hours of physical communication, long walks on the beach and 3 romantic dinners, on average, to be in love. ??????????????????????? Will you people STOP! just for a second and try to realise that love cannot be defined. It's inexplicable, it cannot be completely understood and it is subjective to EVERYTHING. There is no uniform structure to it! It does not follow a certain path. Stage one Stage two: Pre-Love Stage three: True Love. God you people make me so frustrated sometimes.



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imo...not possible.


To me real 'love' is when you know and see the flaws and the warts in another person and can simultaneously see their brilliance and uniqueness.


That takes time.


That takes:

*being with them when they are sick or struggling with a major life issue...

*going through your own highs and lows and knowing how they react to you...

*watching them grow, on some level as a person, so you know how they change when life requires them to...

*the 'they are perfect for me' wearing off...to a 'they are perfect as themself...and I'm good with that person.'


That's real love to me.


Sums it up perfectly

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Love cannot be defined. It's inexplicable, it cannot be completely understood and it is subjective to EVERYTHING. There is no uniform structure to it! It does not follow a certain path.


Agree with that. Still don't agree that you can truly love someone in under 2 weeks. Why are you so upset that many people don't believe love can happen in under 2 weeks? Of course love is complicated. Of course it's subjective. No one said otherwise, so I'm puzzled as to why you are insisting on this as if that is what people are saying. People have nuanced views on this. Yours seems extreme.

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Assuming he was telling the truth about when they started dating...

And assuming he was telling the truth about being happy.


I do think a long lasting happy relationship can happen from a quick jump to "love", but I think it's more from pure luck than anything else. For the rest of us, it requires commitment and work.

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Well according to page 3 of The Universal Guide to Love and Relationships, no you can't. It takes approximatley 89.5 hours of physical communication, long walks on the beach and 3 romantic dinners, on average, to be in love. ??????????????????????? Will you people STOP! just for a second and try to realise that love cannot be defined. It's inexplicable, it cannot be completely understood and it is subjective to EVERYTHING. There is no uniform structure to it! It does not follow a certain path. Stage one Stage two: Pre-Love Stage three: True Love. God you people make me so frustrated sometimes.




True love in two weeks? I say no. And that is my answer and I am sticking to it. NO idea why another person's answer makes you so angry.

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Originally Posted by AnOldFriend

Well according to page 3 of The Universal Guide to Love and Relationships, no you can't. It takes approximatley 89.5 hours of physical communication, long walks on the beach and 3 romantic dinners, on average, to be in love. ??????????????????????? Will you people STOP! just for a second and try to realise that love cannot be defined. It's inexplicable, it cannot be completely understood and it is subjective to EVERYTHING. There is no uniform structure to it! It does not follow a certain path. Stage one Stage two: Pre-Love Stage three: True Love. God you people make me so frustrated sometimes.


I don't think love can develop in two weeks, but I have to agree with that. I can see where he/she might get frustrated listening to people say something is not possible...especially if they believe it is.

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No doubt that you can fall in love with someone within two weeks, no doubt at all. How do we know? Beacuse it happens all the time. Will you be in love after 3 weeks? Maybe, maybe not. Because if you fall in love with someone in such a short space of time, you are falling in love with your image of them. Because what you cannot do in two weeks is know the person.


So maybe as you get to know them they will fullfil your image and you will have a relationship and maybe as you get to know them they won't.

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Love cannot be defined. It's inexplicable, it cannot be completely understood and it is subjective to EVERYTHING. There is no uniform structure to it! It does not follow a certain path.


Agree with that. Still don't agree that you can truly love someone in under 2 weeks. Why are you so upset that many people don't believe love can happen in under 2 weeks? Of course love is complicated. Of course it's subjective. No one said otherwise, so I'm puzzled as to why you are insisting on this as if that is what people are saying. People have nuanced views on this. Yours seems extreme.


gosh, i dont get it. i dont see what AnOldFriend said that is so extreme. AnOldFriend just shared another opinion. the post made me giggle...it was tongue and cheek..


Now,love at first site. its always intrigued me. again i have heard people say it has happened to them. personally i think if you think you have found love at first site and it manages to have longevity then lucky you.

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No doubt that you can fall in love with someone within two weeks, no doubt at all. How do we know? Beacuse it happens all the time. Will you be in love after 3 weeks? Maybe, maybe not. Because if you fall in love with someone in such a short space of time, you are falling in love with your image of them. Because what you cannot do in two weeks is know the person.


So maybe as you get to know them they will fullfil your image and you will have a relationship and maybe as you get to know them they won't.



Thats a good point. From what I see on here is people are really saying:


"I need to know someone to love them." (depending on what they consider "know" to be)




"I dont really need to know someone to love them."



Its all degrees.


For me yes people can definitely be attracted to someone instantly and "fall in love." But for me to say its love requires a bit more.


Then again can you ever know someone completely? Doubtful.

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Thats a good point. From what I see on here is people are really saying:


"I need to know someone to love them." (depending on what they consider "know" to be)




"I dont really need to know someone to love them."



Its all degrees.


For me yes people can definitely be attracted to someone instantly and "fall in love." But for me to say its love requires a bit more.


Then again can you ever know someone completely? Doubtful.



hmmm, yep agreed with it being different degrees


i was with somebody and i thought i loved them. after 6months i was sure i did. i thought i knew everything about them..5 years later they managed to surprise me A LOT. it wasnt that they had changed its just that there was a lot i guess i didnt know. i did in the end fall out of love with them.

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Yes I believe there are different levels or kinds of love and it depends on your relationship. I haven't been dating my guy long enough to be able to confidently say 'I love you' and I'm sure he would also feel it is too soon to be pledging undying love for each other. However when we talk on the phone he often says 'love you... bye' just before hanging up... I take it as a friendly goodbye as he has never said it in person and only says it at the end of the conversation immediately before he hangs up not even giving me a chance to respond. When we are together in person again I do plan to ask him about it. I dont' expect it to be an issue as I know he cares about me deeply and I can see that it is quite likely our relationship will develop to the point of true heartfelt 'I love you's'

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Yes. Knowing who someone is is not a prerequisite for being in love with someone.


Really depends on how you define love. For me this is an absolute prerequisite. I wouldn't consider myself to be in love with someone I barely know or do not know well. I would consider that really liking a person or being intrigued, or being really into them, but for me, personally, I'd never call it love.

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Really depends on how you define love. For me this is an absolute prerequisite.


There are many people who do not have that level of control. There are also many people who are in love with their spouses of 10 years yet do not know them.


In my experience you only really "know" a person after 2 or 3 years. You need to see them in good times and bad, all the cycles of life.


Most people fall in love well before that.

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There are many people who do not have that level of control. There are also many people who are in love with their spouses of 10 years yet do not know them.


In my experience you only really "know" a person after 2 or 3 years. You need to see them in good times and bad, all the cycles of life.


Most people fall in love well before that.


Well that is your opinion and I can respect that, especially since I have never been in love or been with anyone for years, so I have nothing to compare it to. I mean, I've known my boyfriend for around five years, but we have not been dating for very long.


That said, there is still a big difference between knowing someone for 2 weeks and knowing someone for even, say, 6 months. I think it's all relative...so I would still say 2 weeks is not enough for me personally to know someone well enough to fall in love. I imagine it would take me at least 6 months, probably more. But that's just a guess...I don't really know.

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i am actually going to sing a different tune than everybody else. i dont always think it is that dark when somebody thinks they love you after three weeks. my best friend says she fell in love with somebody almost within 24 hours...it was magical. they felt strongly very early on but was excited to build and grow together. they are now married with a little boy. i remember her calling me telling me it was like love at first site. they were besotted with eachother.


i think those that say it could NEVER happen have never had it happen to them or have been burnt. i'd like to hear from people that have exprienced it and it has worked for them just like my friend.


i believe it is rare but can happen.

I'm with you on this one. I fell MADLY in love literally 1 or 2 days after I met my husband, and it was the same thing for him. We've been married for almost 2 years and are just as in love as the first day, although we added communication, trust, honesty, and all that comes from living 24/hrs with each other (not to say we are perfect either!). It's like you say....IT'S MAGICAL.


But in order to work, I do think it has to be BOTH WAYS AND VERY STRONG (it also helps if you've lived a little). I honestly wish there was more of this happening, it is truly a UNIQUE experience that doesn't compare to any other feeling. The world would be a better place. Just my opinion.

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