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is there anyone else that feels like this

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i am 37 yrs old and cannot relate to anyone and have no empathy with anyone else. i have one day of extreme happiness followed by three or four of depression. i sometimes find myself thinking of ways to kill myself.

also when people talk to me about personal things, i think i want to hurt them so they stop talking to me, although i really find the idea of hurting people abhorrent. i know that this is not normal but would really like to know that there are other people that have these same feelings. i have always had difficulty in making friends and was thereforeeee always singled out as being an oddball.

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Not relating to others is a rather vague issue. I think can find ways to relate with just about anyone, but, I think what it comes down to, is what kinds of relations are we willing to spend time engaging in. Some people will spend their entire life with a person who they barely relate to, just to not be alone where as, some people would rather be alone than spend time with people who they don't completely relate to. It's all about what you want and what is comfortable for you.


Not having empathy for others is atypical behavior. Wanting to hurt someone just because they are talking to you is not normal behavior, and wanting to hurt yourself is not healthy either. The fact that others may also have these feelings does not validate them by any means.


Have you given any thought to talking with a couselor or a therapist. Talking with someone like a therapist, someone who you don't have to care about, or who is not going to talk about themselves, may be a good place for you to start trying to address these feelings that are causing you to feel unhappy.



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I think you may have bipolar...manic depression. My dad, brother and aunt are all diagnosed with it.. None of them accept it. my dad is 40 and he is the same way, so even though i can not relate, i know how it is to live with people like that. I dont live with my dad or anything but i know his rutine..He will be all excited and then some days he'll be so depressed that he doesn't feel a worth of living. My older brother who is 24 is a very goodlooking guys and looks on the outside normal...inside hes a helpless soul, he too...goes up and down...they both have drug problems and refuse to take their meds..which as of 2 weeks ago my dad finally started11! hes doing so much better although it takes a couple weeks for the meds to take action...its great!.u should see a psychiatrist if at all possible, and see how things go..they work wonders...and at the same time youll be helping others around you

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Sounds like you are in a manic depressive state. I found this page about self help for depression some time ago. It looks at depressions from a different view point. homepages.nyu.edu/~er26/anger.html and homepages.nyu.edu/~er26/toxicmind.html Very interesting page.

I would advice to contact a doctor about it to get a treatment.

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