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What kind of person do you want?


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I'm sure this has been done a million times, so I'll just make that a million and one.


List the traits you would like or do like in your ideal partner:


1. Kind-heartedness but not a pushover.

2. Giving-wants to be helpful but not smothering.

3. Fun loving-knows how to have a good time doing pretty much anything even labor.

5. Responsible-knows how to take care of himself and those he calls his own.

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Someone who is HONEST and Understanding. I always get good looking, well off, smart and all that but I seem to miss out on getting the more important qualities like HONESTY. So that's all I want from now on. The rest, except religion, is negotiable.


How about honesty, understanding, and willingness?

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All three of those would be really great. I am no longer willing to deal with anything less than that.


Isn't it interesting that the more we learn the more picky we get? Sometimes I wonder if I wouldn't be further along by now if I had just been really, really picky right from the start.

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I know.I'm only starting out though so I guess its normal. I am learning what is not good for me and what I should want and expect from relationships with men. In the past I have tried to "fix" the broken ones b/c my dad is like that and I always wished someone would have done that for him but now I am accepting the fact that its not my job and at some point I need to move on.

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A girl who is very intelligent

generally good looking, but definitely not a prerequisite

perhaps a girl who is hispanic (Not racist, I just get along better with girls of different races, and girls who speak spanish and are kind've cultural--they make me really attracted to them)

a girl who likes to read.

she likes to think

and loves to have fun.

but maybe not at the same time?

she has a smile to make me melt whenever I see it.

when I'm not with her

I'm thinking about her.

and when I'm with her

there is no place I'd rather be

than in her arms.


I'd wish that she was honest with me ALWAYS,

liked I'd ALWAYS be honest with her.

I'd like her to love me for the person I am

I want to be loved because she likes me.

not what I look like.

oh, and something that's 100% required:




guarantee you, she doesn't exist...she did...but that was a very sad mirage, and it wasn't real...I regret meeting her...she was too good to be true...

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I know.I'm only starting out though so I guess its normal. I am learning what is not good for me and what I should want and expect from relationships with men. In the past I have tried to "fix" the broken ones b/c my dad is like that and I always wished someone would have done that for him but now I am accepting the fact that its not my job and at some point I need to move on.


There is an old saying and I'll probably get it wrong but here goes:


Never try to teach a pig to sing, it doesn't work and it annoys the pig.


Now I'm not trying to call them pigs or anything, but trying to change people is a waste of time and energy.

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A girl who is very intelligent

generally good looking, but definitely not a prerequisite

perhaps a girl who is hispanic (Not racist, I just get along better with girls of different races)

a girl who likes to read.

she likes to think

and loves to have fun.

but maybe not at the same time?

she has a smile to make me melt whenever I see it.

when I'm not with her

I'm thinking about her.

and when I'm with her

there is no place I'd rather be

than in her arms.


This is very sweet.

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I'm sure this has been done a million times, so I'll just make that a million and one.


List the traits you would like or do like in your ideal partner:


In an ideal world and under ideal circumstances, this is what I'd look for in a girl


- someone I'm physically attracted to (no brainer

- smart, clever, playful, etc.

- sense of humor (this is a MUST)

- sweet, kind, loving, honest

- knows how to have a good time

- down-to-earth

- doesn't drink, smoke, or party

- has good taste in music

- has a sense of style

- loves animals

- has a warm smile

- long hair (I LOVE long hair on girls)

- willing to compromise


that's all I could think of for now

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Intelligent, quick wit and sharp as a tack, super kind, make me laugh till I cry, forgiving, rebellious streak, non-judgemental, unorthodox, honest, reliable, trustoworthy.


Thats my shopping list. Proly why i'm single


Hey, that's me and it's pretty much what I look for in a man.

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after being in a long relationship with my current GF, if I were to ever breakup with her I would want someone who's:


witty, a little sarcastic, likes to fight back in conversations for fun, beautiful (duh!), but mostly I would love the person to be laid back...just chilled, relaxed with her life and doesn't take things too seriously...


...ahh I can sure dream can't I!!!

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Intelligent, quick wit and sharp as a tack, super kind, make me laugh till I cry, forgiving, rebellious streak, non-judgemental, unorthodox, honest, reliable, trustoworthy.


Thats my shopping list. Proly why i'm single


Yeah, that sounds pretty good.


For me, he doesn't have to have a quick wit though. So long as he has some intelligence and can have conversations with me that make me think.


And I would add curiosity to the list. A curious guy is a huge turn on for me, and keeps things fresh. Always something new to discover. Just a joy to be around.


I'd also add that the man I want will be family/community focused. No specifics here: it's not specifically about starting a family together or biological family.

He just has to have some focus and priority on people first.


And this *as of now* imaginary person would be a good balance of ambitious and laid-back.

Enough ambition that life does not go flat and he takes pleasure in achieving goals and getting things done,

Enough laid-back, enjoy the moment, that he can make time and priority for lazy days and spontaneity too.

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Well naturally she would be attractive. She doesn't have to be hot, I prefer *cute* anyways. Someone with ambition in life and a hard worker at whatever they may be trying to achieve. A girl I can actually trust and not only that, but she's able to give me things straight up. It gets on my nerves when someone beats around the point. ](*,) A girl who understands it's the little things in a relationship that make it worth while. When I'm around her I want to feel like a better person, to feel special, not just like I'm filling up space. Someone who is actually what they say they are and not the total opposite... Be nice if she knew what she wanted out of life in a realistic sense... Ofcourse I had that once, then she decided I wasn't part of what she wanted out of life. :sad: Hence why I'm here, but yeah that's simply all I want.

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Well I have a long list I dont think I am picky, I just know what I want.


1. Must be clean and have good hygiene.

2. Non smoker

3. Occasional drinker, or at least doesnt mind if I do

4. Fiscally responsible - not wealthy, just wise with their money.

5. Sense of humor - this is a must.

6. Believes in God - not that I am overly religious, I am not, but I want him and I to share a belief in God.

7. Intelligence - I would marry someone who is smarter than me any day over someone who was pretty to look at.

8. Isnt shy about communicating - especially in how he feels.

9. Is an adult.

10. Is willing to compromise. If he will watch six hours of Pride and Prejudice with me, then by all means invite the boys over for a day of sports watching. Shoot, I will even fix snacks - for both events.

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10. Is willing to compromise. If he will watch six hours of Pride and Prejudice with me, then by all means invite the boys over for a day of sports watching. Shoot, I will even fix snacks - for both events.


I actually watched that once upon a time with a girl. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. So atleast I know I can handle that if ever get that request again

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