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Guys/men: would this stop you from being interested?


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Hi everyone, I'm not sure if i am posting this question in the right place, but i would appreciate any help.

This is something I've been worrying about since yesterday, and I'm having trouble getting it out of my mind.

I'm in my early 20's and I don't have a boyfriend right now, but I'm worried about this issue (which might sound kind of silly).

I basically just want to ask you guys: if you were interested in a girl, but she happened to have a strange physical trait (something slightly unusual) would it bother you enough to let her go? Let's say it is something that isn't too noticeable until you look closely. The thing is, many people in my life have never mentioned it to me, and if they have - they were able to forget about it quickly. My own parents don't even think of it as a big deal (my dad didn't even know about it until this year).


Ok, the reason this is bothering me is because there is a very pretty celebrity (she is known for having a lot of sex appeal) who happens to have the same trait (it's a genetic thing). Some people have made some really cruel comments saying that they suddenly find her 'less hot' than before, and calling her fingers disgusting and other similar things. I felt really bad after this. Are people being harder on her because she is a celebrity, or is it really so bad that i should be worried?

I'm worried that a guy might reject me over something like this

Guys, would it bother you a lot to date a girl with a slightly 'different' trait?


If you guys want to know what it is: it's basically about my thumbs. They are slightly smaller than normal


I never thought that someone could be ridiculed over something like that. It's just a trait that pops up in some people (most common in women, i think) and it's really not too noticeable most of the time.


thank you for any help, and i'm sorry for asking about this -i know it must sound weird.

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No. Most guys dont care at all. No one is perfect. My good friend dated a girl with short middle toes, no biggie, she was beautiful. Ive also a female friend who hs trouble bending her arms and knees, guys always chase her in the clubs, and shes had a good b/f for a while now. My g/f recently found out she had to have some spinal corrections, but I did not change my mind about her at all. If you deal with shallow petty people they will be critical of your physical features, but any well rounded down to earth individual who realises his boo boo stinks too, will be very accepting given you are his desire.

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No it wouldnt bother me and if you own dad didnt notice I doubt its that big of a deal. Could it matter, I suppose anything could but if someone has to look that damn hard to find something wrong (...gets out the ruler and demands you take off your mittens) with you then you must be pretty cute.

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it's all about vaule, i seriously doubt men are checking out your hands. So i wouldn't worry about it. It's certainly an unusual one


What do women usually believe is of value to men? breast size, body shape etc. It's like a have a large roman nose and i've had stick about it. However, i quite like it and i don't think it has a negative effect on my overall appearance.


I think the two major ones for men is willy size and height. Probably the size of their penises is the main one. You rarely see women making value judgements over the size of man's feet or his calf muscle. However, your regularly seen value remarks over height and penis size. Funny, how self esteem and confidence is a mirror and it's mostly based on what society percieves as good or normal. The individual doesn't have a great bearing on esteem, but its really the mass culture.


Work on an inner self esteem..outside of convention or social conditioning. So your more centred and seriously, do't worry about this. It would'nt be a problem for me and many men.


Good luck.

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Your inner self/attitude/social status/the way you make the other person feel conveys much more value than your looks. Looks are important but they are just another item in that list. I know we've all see some "ugly" or short dudes with really hot women. Hell, Vern Troyer(mini me) even has a sex tape with a model..score one for social status,attitude and hes probaby a decent guy... Looks is just one thing on the list.

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I have a thing for girls who have broken their nose.


I have no idea why. I dated one great girl who was totally self-conscious about it, and it helped kill that relationship. It was just no fun that the things I liked about her were things she hated.


My girl now thinks her nose is adorable, and I agree, and it's so damn hot.


It's only a big problem if YOU think it's a big problem. And as a wise man here already said, if it's a prob. for him, he's not worth your time.

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