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Well I was talking to Josh the guy I really like. He started to tell me how he hasnt smoked pot in a few weeks. ( i kno not a big deal ). But he went on to say how much he wanted to smoke again, and suggested we smoke together sometime.


If u have smoked pot, can u tell me what the affects have been wen you were around someone who you really liked. Will this cause me to act on my desires? I honestly dont know what I would do if i was alone with him and high. A lot of ppl say that being high doesnt change your reasoning at all, but im not quite sure.




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It lowers your inhibitions like a lot of drugs. thereforeeee, you could wind up doing things that you normally would resist, such as having sex or having sex without protection or something else. Alcohol does the same thing. Many a person has gone out, gotten drunk and wound up sleeping with someone with whomo they would not otherwise have slept or had sex with.

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from link removed:


What are the short-term effects of Marijuana use?

The short-term effects of marijuana use include problems with memory and learning; distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch); difficulty in thinking and problem solving; loss of coordination; and increased heart rate, anxiety, and panic attacks.

THC in marijuana is strongly absorbed by fatty tissues in various organs. Generally, traces of THC can be detected by standard urine testing methods several days after a smoking session. In heavy chronic users, traces can sometimes be detected for weeks after they have stopped using marijuana.

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why are you even thinking about it, just dont. i know people always says drugs are bad, don't use 'em, blah blah, but honestly they are because they have a bit of a social stigma when your older, can you imagine being like fifty and doing weed and that is just so gross to me...


but it's your life. weed messes with your head but not so much that you'll consciously notice it. not until afterwards and your going "wha...?"


whatever. i don't care. it's just stupid is all

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I've been smoking "herbs" for over twelve years now, and I can tell you I wouldn't recommend it to anyone (unless they have Glaucoma or some other condition). I'd say that any beginner, especially a young girl who likes a particular boy and is smoking with him for the first time, would tend to feel a little or very paranoid about whether or not they are acting cool, calm, correct and normal while "high". When you're under the influence, it's possible that you might feel like you're missing that "edge" you have when you're sober. It's easy to get one too many laugh attacks, or forget what you were just talking about, or commit a party foul, or other things like that in the beginning, so that's something to think about as well. You definitely lose lots of control over whatever you're doing, unless you've been smoking for years and are participating in some activity that is second nature to you and you are passionate about (art for example)... For everything else besides that, medical reasons, and using it to relax, it's counter productive.


All in all, there are lots of reasons why you shouldn't get into smoking herb. The chances that it will be a positive addition to your life is slim.


I still think alcohol (in excess, which is often the case) is much worse though, in every way except it's legality (which itself can be debatable).

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Let me just say that i have smoked weed in the past quite a bit ...and it definetly had an effect on me.If your a bit of an anxious sort of person anyway weed can make you very paranoid yes indeedy...dont get me wrong it can chill you out and help you relax but it can have an effect on your normal day to dat activetys making you less motivated to do things and make you become lazy and a bit of a bum!..but as i have said if your paranoid or anxious anyway weed multiplys it TEN times..until you feel like that gollum charecter at of lord of the rings ( i think thats his name anyway).......shhhhh whats that noise did you hear something......my PRECIOUssssssssssss

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