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are we related?? plz answer this!

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hey everyone. i got a new bf recently, and i really like him. (a lot) when he was over at my house the other day, he noticed the pic of my uncle and his new wife on the radio. my bf asked me why i had a pic of his aunt in my house. so, she's only my aunt through marriage, and i guess my uncle is only his uncle through marriage. my friend keeps joking, saying he's like my 3rd cousin, but my mom says we're not related. the idea of having sex or something and then finding out he was my cousin somehow would be really bad and uh weird. help plz


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it's definitely ok for you two to have a relationship. you aren't really related. the thing is, you might want to wait a while. because i had a crush on a guy and i only knew him cuz my uncle knew his mom. and they eventually ended up getting married so now he's my stepcousin. it was really weird to me too. and i started not liking him because of this. i started to hang out with him more and i began to feel as though we really were blood cousins. and i like thinking of him as a cousin better, i'm glad i did. but it's up to you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmmm..... I have cousins related by marriage, and I consider them just as much my cousins as all cousins related by blood.


I suppose it is how you look at it later, not now. Let's face it- you're 14, and so you've got 99 to 1 odds that any relationship you have will last into permanency. Suppose you broke up- then he'd suddenly be just a cousin? On the other hand, if you break it off now and start thinking of each other as cousins, you'll never be able to start it back up.


So I guess that it depends on how long you've been dating, and how you feel about each other, and where you intend to go with it. I mean, when you think about it, you can imagine 2 brothers dating 2 sisters, but never anything beyond a few dates. Your situation is more complicated, but could be entirely screwed up for much the same reasons.


If you've found a guy to kiss and go to the movies with, I urge you to break it off immediately. Don't just sit there reading this! Go break up! Now, not later! Post-haste! Go! Go! Go!

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