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Ok, I know I've had some pretty inspiring posts. The truth is the healing process is extremely chaotic. If your new and coming to this site looking for a quick fix you won't find it. There are a ton of things you can do to keep your mind off your ex but if your anything like me no matter what you do you'll never stop thinking about that person. You just have to accept it for what it is. Accept the pain. There will be moments where you will feel inspired to move on and be happy and then others where you crash and burn haunted by the memory of the loss of someone you love. It's the by product of being human. I have to admit since coming here I have had some tremendous leaps in my personal healing. When it happened I had no one to talk to that I could really feel comfortable talking to and letting it all out. It's one thing that sucks about being a guy. Women usually have an entire support group there bashing you and boosting her ego within hours! Usually. Sorry for the generalization but let's be honest here.


I just read something extremely interesting. Ever since my break-up I have been studying up on the principles behind the secret. For those of you who really want your ex back this is right up your alley. If your not letting go of the pain and anger caused by being rejected than you are also creating a block in the energy flow between you and your lost love. And also not allowing the universe to send you something that might be better for you in the long run. Let go and forgive. The month before my break-up I went through a tough time. I changed jobs, was having money trouble and I wasn't the same me. I began to worry that my life was falling apart and that maybe my relationship was too. I began to suspect that she was becoming distant and possibly screwing around. And with all those worrys and fears flaoating around you know what happened. Money got tighter. My relationship started to crumble until it collapsed. If you believe that you will be ok no matter what. That you will be loved no matter what. Guess what? Whether you think you can or you can't your right! Hope this helps somebody out there who is hurting.


Letting go is hard, I know. I'm still there and it's been three months. but when I first came here I was torn apart and all I could think about was ending it all. But then I started to see myself in my posts. I started to see that I was still me even without her. Whether she thinks I'm worth being with who cares? I know I am. Why do I have to prove it anymore? I think that this is why no contact works so well. As soon as you start to love yourself again and heal the signal goes back out and suddenly out of the blue your ex calls or sends a text! You may not realize that you are healing and loving yourself again but your ex does. They pick up on it somehow. Even the ones you want to stay gone! Just my thoughts...

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Thank you for this VERY encouraging post. I think you're right. They always seem to know when you've finally let go. And there is an energy in the world that makes things happen. It's amazing how when you stand back and are able to look at things from a distance, they start to become a little clearer.

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Thank you for this! I'm also at the three month mark and am feeling like I'm backtracking for some reason. I thought I was doing really well, but turns out I was just pushing my hurt away and being angry all the time. Your post helped me becuase last time my ex and I broke up, I got really into the secret, and I got really into living well and working out and trying to feel better about myself, I even believed that the secret would bring him back, I truly believed and it worked. Well, I don't know if it was that exactly, but somehow we got back together. Anyway, this time I lost all hope and thought none of that secret stuff was real and just really let myself sink into my depression.


I think I will watch it again and try to believe in it again, not really for getting him back, but for getting me back. I think I do believe in that universe and energy stuff, because lately I've been so miserable and things just seem to be getting worse and I'm feeling worse. Thank you for this post, it's given me a glimmer of hope that perhaps I can change things for myself yet.

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Good you should post about this, I was thinking of starting a post about The Secret to see if people here believe in it. I was talking to an online friend a few weeks ago and he said maybe I anticipated the worst and worried so much in my relationship, it all really came true, in a way I got what I wishing for. I focused so much on what I didn't want to happen, I lost sight on what I really did want to happen. That could be true, but then I think maybe it would of happened anyway, after all it does say you can't control other people and their negative emotions, correct?

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