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how reliable is a gut feeling


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do you think those lingering feelings are necissarily a bad thing?


If I was in another relationship and had lingering feelings then yes I think its a bad thing. You shouldnt be in another relationship if you haven't moved on fully from your other relationship.


But if I was single then no of course not, they aren't a bad thing - its just part of the healing process.

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Sure, gut feelings *can* be reliable but they arent *always* reliable. Trust issues etc. can certainly create false gut feelings and so they arent always to be relied upon as a good indicator of certain situations.


I, however, would not be overly happy with a boyfriend who chooses to converse with an ex especially where "I miss you's" are being exchanged. If he is truly over her and committed to you then there is no longer any reason for them to continue contact. If they have both moved on then the past should stay in the past....especially when there are people (or you in this situation) in their "present" who could end up getting hurt by their actions. Granted, you shouldnt have looked in his phone especially if he has not given you a reason not to trust him.

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I would say a gut feeling is very reliable! In my case my gut feeling allowed me to pursue my H untile he told me of multiple affairs and a double life...he had originally said he had a one night stand. Trust your instincts! That is what we have them for.

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