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Almost died tonight...


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So I'm driving on the freeway tonight at 1:00 am coming from a friend's house. I'm driving a sports car (roadster). I am on the lane next to the fastest lane on a 5 lane freeway. There is a carpool lane on the farthest left. There is a honda next to me on the fast lane.


All of a sudden the guy in the honda out of the blue swerves into me, and into my lane. Maybe he was drinking or something I dunno. He scrapes/hits my side, I try to swerve to the right and the car looses control, goes into a rear spin. I spin out, do 2 or 3, 360s accross 5 lanes of traffic at 65 MPH. Time slows down and everything is going sooo slow. Its like watching NEO doing bullet time in the matrix. I just keep spinning like its a merry-go-round. It seems like everything is spinning forever. All these light trails, it looked like speed up photography when they do the light trail effects on cars. There are allot of cars on the road. I spin all the way through the slowest lanes and keep spinning again toward the fastest lanes.Somehow I miss all the cars, or they all get out of my way. Smoke everywhere, rubber smell...the works. The black car keeps going straight, he never stopped. Cars are all trying to get out of the way. I must have hit a white honda civic very lightly on the back as I was spinning. I barely touched him, since I never lost momentum I just kept spinning and spinning. The civic spins out and hits someone else, and all sorts of shit starts happening. I can see all these lights flashing all the way around, since I am spinning out of control. I'm thinking "I'm going to die now". I try to regain control and finally hit the brakes, but I have no antilock so I keep burning rubber and spinning. This whole time I'm expecting something to hit me hard so I brace myself for it. Nothing hits me. I end up stopping 1 inch away from the concrete center divider which divides the carpool lane from the opposite side traffic lanes. The car is ok. My lights are facing the concrete wall. My whole car is blocking the carpool lane. I am perpendicular to the wall. My driver door is facing ongoing traffic. The car of course right then dies on me. There is still oncoming traffic approaching. I see a frikkin SUV or something coming on the car pool lane towards me at like 75+mph. I have about 10-15 seconds to react before he hits me on the drivers side since my door is facing oncoming carpool lane traffic. if he hits me on the door I am dead. They are going ot be picking my brain off the asphalt.


At that moment I thought I was dead...really dead. I really thought it was over right then and there, and that I would be going to heaven. For a second I didn't know what to do. it just seemed so surreal, time almost stopped moving. I felt like everything was so heavy, and my hands were moving sooo slowly. All these pictures shot into my brain. I kept seeing my girlfirned in bed with me, all the years together, I can't explain to you how many images flashed through my mind. I felt like I saw every moment I loved in life, and every moment I loved with my ex by my side, flashing before me like some insane slide show presentation. I felt like a deer staring at approaching car lights and being paralized. And you know what, In that instant, I thought about my ex....and said "I'm not gonna die here". You might not believe me, but thats what I thought about. How crazy is that?


Then all the images are gone. Everything is still going slow motion like. I grab the wheel...I turn on the ignition, it seems like it takes forever for the car t ostart, it works, put the car into reverse all within like 5 seconds, hoping that there is nothing on the fast lane and hit the gas as hard as I can. I just reacted. I peel out, I can hear the tires spinning and I'm getting frustrated why the car is not moving. I get off the carpool lane. The oncoming car barely misses me as it passes by..I get out of its way, and put the car as fast as I can into gear before anything me hits me thats coming from behind. Somehow, I don't know how, but I manage to avoid any cars any other cars swearving around me, speed up, and make it to accross all lanes to the side off the road. NO injuries...nothing. There are all thse lights behind me, and cars trying to slow down. I get out of the car, knees are shking, look at the car, and there is like almost no damage except scrapes and paint gone. My license plate is bent to hell and the car emblem is broken. Thats it.


I run toward the cars that are on the side of the road and the dude from the white civic comes to me and tries to kick my ass telling me I hit his girlfirend. He was so pissed of and going crazy. I'm like completely calm, trying to ask him if anyone is injured. I never kept my cool like this before. I was acting like nothing phased me. There is another guy there who stopped and saw the accident, he says it wasn't me but the mexican guy dosen't care. He's all in my face, ready to throw down. I thought he was going to shoot me or soemthing. All these CHP cops show up and tackle the guy and restrain him. He's frikkin going crazy. They have to take him away because he is so emotional. later I find out there are no injuries...just property damdage to cars.


OH my GOD this was the scariest thing that ever happened to me. Ever. I mean ever ever ever. CHP tells me its HIT and RUN but they can't find the civic that hit me as of yet.. What a frikkin mess. When it rains it pours.


I almost died. I ALMOST DIED TONIGHT! 1 hour ago, I almost died. I still can't believe it. The Cops said it was a miracle that I walked away. They said it was a miracle that no one was hurt. They thought they would be scraping me off the pavement. They said I should not have been alive at all the way I spun out. I must have missed at least 10 cars as I was spinning around. What are the odds of ending up facing oncoming traffic and having a split second to get away, and nothing happens.? The cops thought I was dead on the scene. Thank you god for saving my life.


Most people don't have the slightest idea what happens when you are about to die. I thought it was over. I was driving a death trap roadster convertible. I spun through 5 lanes of traffic in the middle of the night when everyone is coming home from partying. If god didn't take me into his hands I would have been a morning news story. "Saturday moring 2:00am a 29 year old male was killed while spinning out of control on the freeway causing a massive pileup....balh blah blah.."


And you know what amazes me? That even when I thought that I was about to die, and I thought it was over, the picture of my ex flashed in my head, or more like 100 pictures of her face flashed in my head.

I realized how much I love her....life is so crazy.


All I know is that I almost died tonight, and I almost killed someone becasue of some lunatic that hit my car and spun me out of control. It made me realize what is important in life. It made me realize how much I loved someone, and how much they mean to me.


Everything else seems so trivial now...so unimportant. I almost ceased to exist in a matter of seconds. One minute I'm crusing on the road listening to good music, the next minute my life is in the hands of fate.


I guess what I wanted to tell you guys is to DO RIGHT NOW WHAT YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO DO BUT WHERE AFRAID TO TRY. DO IT NOW. RIGHT NOW. You never know what tomorrow might bring.


Go tell that girl you like her.

Tell your wife you love her.

Tell your family you miss them.

Give your dad a hug.

Tell your boss he did a good job.

show your wife you appreciate her.

Go ask that crush on a date.

Go take a new class....

try a new career.....


Go for whatever you feel is right. Start living. Put down the remote, turn off the computer. Stop reading the forums for a bit. Listen to that little voice inside you, and follow your heart and do what you believe. Follow your dreams. Speak your mind. Say what you always wanted to say to those you love, but thought you couldn't or thought it would not be the right time. THE RIGHT TIME IS NOW, WHILE YOU GOT TIME.

Your time might end in the next instant.


People always say to live your life to the fullest. Its true. Live your life. Experience it. I almost lost mine today. So live your life, because you never know when it might end. I got lucky. very very lucky. I am so greateful I am still here.

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That is fantastic advice and thanks so much for sharing your story. Sounds like you really had an experience last night.


You are so right. Life is short and one day *poof* it could all be over. So live life to the fullest. Don't lay dying one day with a heart full of regrets over what you SHOULD have done. Do them now.


madcat, I'm very glad you are alright. Sometimes we need those experiences to wake us up from our sleep and get us motivated. Good luck to you!

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Im glad that no one was hurt. I agree with everyone your very lucky, someone up there must really care for you.


Life is to short and we must live each day to the fullest because we might not be her the next day.


Thanks for sharing it with all of us, it's defintly made me think about my life and im quite sure some of the others agree.


Glad your allright.


- whitefang

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my Friend you are true blue proof there is a god, I mean dear lord man that was crazy! You spin accross 5 lanes almost get hit 10 times over and then drive back accross without getting hit. I love your advice man and i plan to live up too it that was a very inspirational story i also feel the same way, my 20 year old cousin was just diagnosed with Lukiemia and he has the same advise thanks man

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Thank God, because you have to know you've lived for a reason... the one thing I most firmly, absolutely believe in is that everything, absolutely every little thing that happens to you happens for a reason. Maybe you don't know what it is yet. No one can really know.


Best wishes



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"I guess what I wanted to tell you guys is to DO RIGHT NOW WHAT YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO DO BUT WHERE AFRAID TO TRY. DO IT NOW. RIGHT NOW. You never know what tomorrow might bring.


Go tell that girl you like her.

Tell your wife you love her.

Tell your family you miss them.

Give your dad a hug.

Tell your boss he did a good job.

show your wife you appreciate her.

Go ask that crush on a date.

Go take a new class....

try a new career..... "



EXCELLENT ADVICE! i will do so asap!! great story you got there!!! AMAZING!!!



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hey madcat,


This should be a real eye opener for everyone. A few days ago i was posting to one of your replies, and today you might have not been here with us. You are really lucky to stll be here, and i am grateful nothing happened.


Live life to the fullest, and never go a day where you waste it and don't do experience or accomplish something new. You will never know when its your time to go, NEVER! It could be tomorrow, or next week, next year. Live it so there will be no regrets. Unfortunaly no one will realise how precious time is until they give it away though.


Good luck,

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god that was amazing, and wow sharing it with us like an hour after, talk about being caring. i would have left when you said turn off your comp but i wanted to say thanks for sharing it with us. it was inspirational to say the least, empowering everything. it shows that well if you want something youve got to get it now. like the quote ''people say that life doesnt last long but its the longest ting you'll experiance'' so make sure we all do and get what we want.


i hopeyou do something about your ex. and wow im glad your ok.


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Great story,


I always drive back from my girlfriends house, 45 min away, and everytime I am on the highway I wonder what would happen if it all ended here. Hearing your story, I took a good look at my love for what I have. Its amazing how a story like this can actually make you believe and think about what you really have.


Thank you for the inspiration, its a good feeling to see someone make it out alive out of dangerous situations. Let me tell you I have been in like 5 of those situations, of life and death. I feel lucky (I am athiest btw ) But thank you, I am glad you shared this, my heart is spilled out there for you.



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I have to say at first when I looked at this post I said bah too long but certain thing's in the post caught my eye and made me read it and am glad I did.


Mad I am glad you walked away able to share your story you have really inspired me to try new things, because you're right you never know when your time is up.

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wow i'm so glad you're alright and shared that with us.


i'm really moved, cuz i was actually in an accident 48 hours ago, it was crazy. i was with my best friend and his girlfriend comin home from a basketball game, just listenin to some music then everything slowed down, but all i remembered immediately afterwards were like still photos in my head of what i saw.


everyone should listen to this, because there are only so many times this could happen to you, maybe even none. i've been in two wrecks, and i've only been starting to drive for about 1 month (none were "my fault" ie - at the wheel). but i can't help but feel guilty for the last one...


anyway, i hope everyone learns what he has to say, live life, don't take anything for granted.

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