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Feeling scik only at work...

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Over the last few weeks I have felt physically sick when I am at work. At work I feel like I am coming down with something, or on days like today, I actually feel sick when I am there. But as soon as I leave I feel better.


It's not a mental thing... I love my job.


At first I thought it was just me, but I've heard other people say the same thing who work there. One guy I work with tough maybe there was something in the water coolers.


They keep it really cold in there. I don't know if they think people will be more alert if they have to work in the cold or what. Right now it's getting cooler outside and they still have the air conditioner turned up high. Some of the people who work in my department actually have blankets in their offices that they cover up with while working. People have asked management to turn the air off, but they never turn it off.


But also (and this is because of the nature of my job) my office is windowless, and I am required to keep it dark in there (as are all the people in my department.) Could it maybe be lack of sunlight?


I am just wondering if anyone else has ever had something like this. It sucks feeling ill all day. It definitely hurts my productivity.


Idk... I guess there are a lot of possibilities.

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