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want to tell her I miss her

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I wont do it, but days like today just make me want to send a simple message of "I miss you" and nothing else.


I hate this.


Every day seems a struggle right now. I'm pretty sure Im in a massive depression and probably going to get some help (therapy, meds) soon.


On the upside, I've been practicing my singing quite a bit. I find it really helping to get a lot of emotions out.

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Buck up man and stick to your guns. If you've gone NC, then saying something like "i miss you" and nothing else seems desperate. Perhaps you are a little bit, but you don't have to show it. You'll be a stronger person if you can get through this without saying it. I'm only assuming of course that you've chosen the NC route. You didn't really write much to describe it. But feel better and keep on singing!

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Exploding...I know most will tell you to not send her a message. But my viewpoint is ...

what will you really lose if you do?? You're not asking for anything.Youa re merely expressing yourself. Was your breakup a bad one? If it was I would suggest saying something more along the lines of "I really feel bad for the way things ended, and I just miss you right now". The thing is ...NC usually softens the other persons stance, and they likely have their guard down. Is your goal to get back together ?

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i will break NC when i feel ready, maybe another week and then call her to chat. i really don't feel i have any more to lose than what i've lost already. i'm just using NC to get over the severe pain and loss and get some of myself back so that when i do call her, i can talk to her without coming accross as a lovesick fool.

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I gotta say, I kept breaking NC after a couple days, and it was a really bad thing, we kept getting back together for a week and then repeating.


BUT, that was a doomed relationship with no hope, if you can see yourself with her, as a feasible relationship, then just explain yourself to her, no tricks, no dramatics.


If you wanna stop missing her, it takes time. Like, months of NC, and the ability to keep yourself busy. It's hard, if not impossible to "not think of something", so you need to keep yourself from having enough time to worry about it.


It'll be hard, *really* hard, but if you want it to work, you have to keep from texting her, checking her myspace, checking your tracker - everything.


Good Luck mate.

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I highly doubt we would reconcile. It would take a LOT of work. I have a little hope she might come back, but not really.


She does look at my myspace page every day (tracker) so who knows.


I just want to stop missing her. I want her to be dead in my heart.


i spent every darn weekend thinking about her, doing all the things we used to do, or little clues my brain is forcing me to look at to remind me of her, she is truly got and i burn


i want to do the same, but it's not going to make a difference, she's made her choice and so will i


it's weird too, i'm talking about coincidences of a life time, she used to watch a korean drama called coffee prince and i magically stumbled into a coffee house called that, i was BURNING to call her and wanting to tell her


i feel for you, i'm barely at week 2 of NC and i feel like i'm on fire


beautiful lights, the star filled nights, they don't mean a thing to me right now because nothing seems right to me without her, it's not a co-dependency thing, i just miss her as a person and what we had


the bittersweet memories, i say keep NC, don't go back, don't get burned again, don't give it another thought


what tracker? i thought those only show IP and general area


sharing is caring!

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I'm the same way me and my ex are actually good friends, I texted her tonight but I havnt talked to her in a week and we usually do talk quite a bit, shes dating sum other guy and im in the market but I still think of her like shes still with me... I don't let her know that cause I wanna appear strong.. it was me that caused the breakup but I've changed alot not for her but for myself and I'm happy I did everything was going bad for me and now I'm alot better and maybe she'll notice one day =) thats how I see it, don't try to please her or let her know you're greiving she'll notice how strong you are, and go out and talk to girls, I've talked to more girls then i ever have before me and my ex dated I'm surprised at how many numbers I've gotten and if she saw I'm sure she'd be pretty jealous but thats not why I do it.. I'm still looking to see if theres sumone else that will support me in everything and if shes worth dating.. if my ex comes back fine, but don't just sit at home hoping she'll come back you're just gunna depress yourself more that way, go talk to another hott(er) girl and you'll feel alot better

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Im keeping myself as busy as I can. It's given me time to become a better singer/guitarist. Before this, I was lucky if I got to pick it up every two weeks. Now it's 3 hours of practice a day, followed by vocal training. It's a REAL satisfaction to be able to harmonize to the song I posted before. It saddens me that she'll never hear the song I wrote for her.


After that, I usually walk/jog 6 miles a day. I've lost 35lbs. in two months. Feel better physically. I notice a lot of women looking at me these days as well. This makes me feel good, but I'm in no emotional shape to start dating again. Coming to terms with all of this has been hard. I was convinced she was the woman I'd marry, start a family with. There was real love there. It was amazing. And she decided I wasnt worth it anymore.




Time to go figure out Suite: Judy Blue Eyes on guitar....

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well as a musician myself and going to atlanta institute of music... guitarist say don't practice 3 hours well... atleast at once, there been about 6 or 7 up there who have gotten tendenitous from that, so be careful.. I'm a drummer myself, and playing music is what I do to get away from reality lol especially when the ex creeps back into my mind, but ya, be careful take it easy and don't beat yourself up

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exploding head.. I love your name, its exactly how I feel some days when I think of my ex.


I wish I could just open the top of my head and let all the thoughts out so I can think of something/someone else.


DONT contact your ex while you feel like this. In all honesty what good will come of it? You might say/do the wrong thing and end up feeling a whole lot worse.


rooting for ya, Hope x

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Actually, I was thinking more of the movie Scanners. Kinda jokingly want to make HER head explode.


I wasnt going to contact, just venting. Just frustrated with life in general right now. Bunch of other stuff happened at the same time as this. I kinda view her as a catalyst for the downward slope. No one loves you when you're down and out, you know?

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