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i have been having sex for about 2 years...and i have been sleeping with my boyfriend for about 2 months and we have always used a condom except one night *new years* and now its time for my period but my period hasnt come instead I have this brown stuff coming out..is that like a mini-period or could possibly be some kind of an std?..im really scared please post comments!!

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I can't think of any off the top of my head that causes a brown discharge. I'm no doctor (yet) but I don't think this is an STD. You should see someone about it though. If you're just bleeding a bit (spotting) you could be pregnant.


I suggest you see a doctor about it ASAP.

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A light brown vaginal discharge is usually normal, if excessive, it could require testing. During early pregnancy, there may appear this type of flow that may be just old blood or blood from a period that hasn't started yet. Brown vaginal discharge is probably just older blood that has been in your uterus for longer. Either way, see your doctor ASAP.



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