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So when does your appetite come back?

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that happened to me. i lost a lot of weight and i didnt have much to start with. Wasnt a good thing.

it took me a while but i would just eat when i was a little hungry just enough to know i was getting something in the system.

eventually the appetite comes back little by little just try to eat things that are easier on the stomach for now.


Gotta remember to take care of yourself first!

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Funny, my ex hubby always thought I was fat. 5'11'' 140lbs then (size 8 ) so I started working out blah blah....well fast forward a bit, get dumped by b/f...now Im 120lbs and a size 2. I wasn't hungry for the longest time, now I have to work two full time jobs, so I just dont have the time...but now I eat whatever I want & don't feel guilty about it at all.

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Go out and have a few drinks with some buddies. Nothing to get you eating like a few brews in our stomach and a yearning for some fried food. Not always the best way to force food down, but you need to maintain your health above all else. A healthy mind will follow shortly, believe me.

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I lost my appetite for about a week or so...occasionally it would come back and then go again...but i couldn't imagine it last two months.


Honestly, i would think you'd be doing the opposite by now - comfort foods, as was already mentioned.


How much are you eating in a day?


Some people are the opposite. I have no problem keeping weight off when I'm sad or depressed. It takes away my appetite completely. I literally don't like the feel of food in my mouth. Sometimes I will take a bite of food and have to spit it back out.


When I'm happy and things are going well in my life, that's when I have to watch myself and make sure I don't eat like a pig. I have never been able to comfort eat. Ever. For some reason, food just doesn't have the ability to comfort me.

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I also don't eat when stressed - not only is my appetite gone, but when I do eat I get violently ill from my body not being used to processing the food on a regular basis.


The good news is I am leaving on a girls weekend to Mexico a month from now, so I should be smoking hot by then!


Yeah, when I am upset I throw up too. Sometimes nothing comes up, just a horrible sharp pain in my stomach and I actually have to stick my finger down my throat to make it go away.

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been two moths now, and I've barely been able to keep any food down. I pretty much force myself to eat. anybody have any input?


Exploding, I know it sounds gross, but a friend of mine brought over a case of chocolate Ensure for me.


At least I was getting some nutrition and it helped with the sick stomach.


Feel for you guy ... I went through it too. Hang tight. We'll get through this.

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I lose my appetite when I'm under stress, too. Food tastes like sawdust and it's difficult to swallow, feel sick when I have eaten etc.


Even if you can't eat the volume of food, make sure your intake of vitamins and minerals is OK or this will cause you even more problems; keep your diet as light as you can manage - not so much of a shock to the system; avoid fatty or oily foods to begin with.


I'm assuming this is just an emotional thing, and there isn't a physical reason for your loss of appetite - you might just want to check it out in case.


The only thing I can say is that it all does come back eventually - hope this helps.

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4 years ago I went through a break up that did the same to me. Any thought of him made my stomach go in knots. I couldn't understand why we broke up. I got so sick - couldn't eat - couldn't even hold water down. My brother actually had to take me to the hospital since he was scared of what I was doing to myself. The doctor put me on an IV and stood me in front of mirror. I had lost almost 20 lbs and only weighed 110 to begin with. He told me to look at what was happening and how disgusting I looked. After 2 months total - I snapped out of it and swore that I would never let a guy effect me like that ever again. You have to put your health first. You're more important than anybody out there! Take care of yourself - it gets better.

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Exploding, I know it sounds gross, but a friend of mine brought over a case of chocolate Ensure for me.


At least I was getting some nutrition and it helped with the sick stomach.



Yes - Drinking Slimfast or Ensure right now would really help you out if you can stomach it. It will give you the nutrition your body needs without making you feel as full.


Right now I am on a coffee only diet so maybe I should take my own advice!

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I've lost 15 pounds or just a little more than that now. I can't eat much either. My stomach is constantly in knots. If I try to eat 3 meals in a day I just end up with a horrible upset stomach. My friends are all telling me I look too skinny and that I need to take care of myself. I know they are just worried about me, but they don't understand. I'm trying to eat, but it hurts when my nerves are so shot like this. I've been to the doctors, he didn't say much about it. Just said my appetite would come back eventually and to make sure I drink lots of fluids. I guess if everyone says it comes back, it must come back.

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I lost weight too -- about 7 or 8 pounds in a little over a month -- because I couldn't eat. The thought of food made me completely sick. I felt like my stomach was in knots all the time, I was crying so much that I felt nauseous. Basically, I lived off slimfast bars, Diet Pepsi, and MAYBE one whole meal a day. I wouldn't recommend it, though. The slimfast bars weren't good nutrition, even though they had 220 calories a piece, and I know I deprived myself of all sorts of nutrients. And, I continued to exercise, which was good, but I wasn't taking in enough calories. Needless to say, I got REALLY sick -- had a flu-like thing for three solid weeks (I get sick otherwise MAYBE once every 2-3 years for about 3 or 4 days), broke out in hives, had horrible headaches, was lightheaded, etc. I'm slightly overweight to begin with, so fortunately I didn't get too skinny from not being able to eat, but I did screw up my health there for a bit.


If you really, really feel you can't eat, try to eat small amounts of something really healthy -- peanut butter, fruit, nuts, etc. -- and get some Ensure OR something like Zone Bars -- they have 210 calories a piece, TONS of protein and other nutrients, and they taste fantastic -- almost like a candy bar.


You will feel like eating again. It may take awhile, though. It took me a couple months before I really started feeling OK again. Once I did, I went a little crazy on the junkfood (mostly candy), and now I'm back on the wagon and eating really, really healthy foods, and I feel/see a huge difference.

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It's been three months since the breakup, and I'm just now finally getting my appetite back. I lost nearly 10 lbs, and I'm only five feet tall...so people have obviously noticed. Feeling like someone punched you in the stomach, feeling like you have to puke...these are a common theme to breakups and grieving/loss. It will get better, it just takes time.

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