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I am physically NOT attracted to him anymore!

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Wow, about a year ago I broke up with my last boyfriend (who I thought was the love of my life) and I was pretty crushed over it. He treated me pretty badly and called me demeaning names. I stilled loved him SO much and wanted it to work SO much. But...things don't always work the way you want them to.


We broke up, I had lots of ups and downs--I pleaded, cried, acted like a complete fool. Then...it got to a point when I realized how silly I was acting and decided that I needed to MOVE ON. I started focusing on my education, career...and now, I honestly think that I'm happier than ever. I'm still single, but very happy. I have a great social life, a great group of friends, an awesome family. Several amazing internship offers, I'm moving to London in 2 weeks...everything is great!


This is the kicker. I've always found my ex to be VERY attractive. He was HOT and we had amazing sexual chemistry. I always thought that I would always be attracted to him no matter what happened. But...I just saw a few recent pictures of him online (gotta love social networks) and I WAS SHOCKED. Seriously? He completely let himself go. He probably gained 20 pounds, long (unkept) hair, shaggy beard...it was NOT SEXY in the slightest sense.


I think this is the last step. I was a little disgusted when I saw the pictures and now know that I'm completely over him.

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Has anyone experience the same thing? I think time gives a person so much perspective. When you're IN a situation, you respond differently...but after a while, you look back and can't believe you behaved that way!


I consider myself to be a decently attractive person: petite and well put together. He looks TERRIBLE now, it's so strange! Sorry if I sound superficial. The best way to get over someone is to see them fat and ugly.

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Yea, actually I had kind of a similar thing happen to me with my ex a few months ago when I ran into her at a party.


I wasn't crazy about the way she was wearing her hair and her outfit was a little more bland then I expected, but I can't say that I was "disgusted" by her (lol), just not blown away.


I'm dating another girl now who would probably be considered much more attractive, but I finally realize that looks aren't everything.


Congrats on your progress!

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Same thing happened to me too.


During the relationship I was so attracted to him that I overlooked his physical shortcomings (lol, no pun intended...). His nose and lips are HUGE and he's got little beady eyes, and he always keeps this really stupid looking goatee that makes him look like he has a hairy nutsack on his face. While the sex was amazing, his armpits were pretty rank and turned me off badly during the heat of the moment even though he had just showered beforehand.


I saw his MySpace and he obviously gained weight, and he's still an emotional nutcase who plays World of Warcraft all day long. Hasn't changed one bit.


I'm glad I turned out to be the complete opposite. I'm aging beautifully, becoming wiser, and doing well in school while he gets fat playing "WoW", working at Legoland, and continues to be involved in the same exact drama with the younger girls he dates claiming he's "learning" all the time. * * * * * please.

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Wish I could say the same for my ex. Not to wish bad things on him; but I'm sure if he wasn't as attractive as he was it would be much easier to get over him. Unfortunately, it's not in his genes to gain weight, he's just naturally a scrawny guy.



But like they say, beauty is only skin deep, maybe some other guy with a few extra pounds or longish hair or beard would turn out to be the guy that treats his girl right and stays with her!

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