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Would I be ruining my face if I got a piercing?


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I'd say wait a few years, like until after you are out of high school.


Then if you still want it, get it.


I waited until I was 20 to get my nose pierced. I love it, and always wanted one. At this point, it is not for fad purposes or anyone else.


But you are so cute, and you don't need it. I agree with switching up something else if you want to play - something more temporary, like clothes and the like.


There's no rush to do it as you'll have your nose and lips forever, and piercing places will always be in business.

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You'd better hurry if you're going to metallize your face. The fad clock is running and it'll be out of style before too long.

Would you dare tell the women of Indian descent that you think their nose rings are a fad? Society says that earrings are acceptable in Western culture but it is the same sort of mutilation.

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Would you dare tell the women of Indian descent that you think their nose rings are a fad?


No, I would not. In their case, the practice has not gone from zero to oh-so-trendy in just a few years. There's a huge distinction between a fad and a centuries-old tradition.


Society says that earrings are acceptable in Western culture but it is the same sort of mutilation.


I said nothing of societal acceptability or mutilation, did I? I'm merely speculating that, like the Dittos pants and Earth shoes of the '70s (or any other pop culture style phenomenon), this face-piercing shtick has a limited shelf life and will jump the shark like clockwork as soon as it starts to look old hat - which, using history as a guide, shouldn't be too awful long from now.

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You have a nice face and nose pierce probably would look good on you.

Now, you're 16, so my advice is not to do it yet.

If you are in the mood for that later, yes, but till than I suggest you to find some sort of alternative without really piercing yourself.

Maybe a fake nose pierce.

You can wear it in the summer.

And see how it looks on you, how it feels etc.

And you can take it off when school begins in the autumn- teachers are not thrilled with students who are pierced and it might affect your grades. They won't do it on purpose but subconsciously they will see you as immature and they will act with some sort of prejudice. It isn't fair, but it's the way world functions.



I am almost 28 and I use fake tattoos during summer for fun.

It's not real but for me it works better because I can't show at my work all tattooed.

And I get easily bored so I like to be able to change my mind about what am I going to wear on my skin each day. Right now I have a butterfly and a bee.



When it comes to lip pierce - naah, don't do that.


Have fun during the summer.

But go nice and clean when the new school year starts.

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