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How do YOU approach girls?


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Hey everyone,


I'm going to a party next week, and I probably wont know anyone there other than the friend I'm going with (he isn't likely to know many either) and maybe some people I lost contact with years ago.


How do YOU approach girls?


An opening line, something to follow...anything



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Oh, you aren't a jokester like I am? Sorry...


Try something like:


"So are you a friend of [person hosting party]"


"DO you know where I can get some ice for my drink?" (if she likes you she'll take you there!)


"Do you work [wherever you work], I thought I had seen you there..."

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"Having fun?"


"This guy is good" (I listening to live music)


"I like your shoes...... Where did you get those" (If girl is wearin tennis shoes)


"I like your hair"


"I like your shirt"


"I saw you last week right?"


"Did you see that" (strange person walks by)


"What are you drinking."

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Never invest too much initially is my belief. If they like you then go for it, if not the disappointment is no biggie. Sometimes if you show a fraction of interest they want to pick YOUR brain.


I was speaking to a few friends today and they made the same point; that its a party and there are LOADS more people to talk to.



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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey everyone,


I'm going to a party next week, and I probably wont know anyone there other than the friend I'm going with (he isn't likely to know many either) and maybe some people I lost contact with years ago.


How do YOU approach girls?


An opening line, something to follow...anything




I usually say something totally over the top and lame like ' how are you lovely young ladies doing in a place like this ' then one of them will laugh and the others will look at me funny. Then I return to talk to one of the others, then leave, then return and keep doing that.. till the on that laughed talks at me, then it is on.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey all, it's been a while since i checked up on this thread.


Thanks for all your tips. I recently came back from my holiday. I spoke to plenty of girls, but none of which I had any interest in. I did approach a few who I liked...They weren't around for long though (but not cause of me It was probably obvious that I was a bit nervous.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hey everyone,


I'm going to a party next week, and I probably wont know anyone there other than the friend I'm going with (he isn't likely to know many either) and maybe some people I lost contact with years ago.


How do YOU approach girls?


An opening line, something to follow...anything




Wait until they play some Bruce Springsteen, preferably 'secret garden'.


Then go up to a chick of your choice and say....


you - "hi"


her - "hello"


then while she gazing deep into your hazel brown eyes... drop this line on her.


you - "you had me at hello."


She'll most likely have an instant mind-gasm.


You'll probably be banging her against your friend's bedroom wall in about 10 minutes. If this doesn't work then I don't know what will.... Who could resist the mythical, sensual music of Bruce Springsteen?

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I don't "approach" women. It implies that I'm chasing after something that is moving away from me. I simply notice the environment we both are in and point out something that we both can perceive at the same time. If it is interesting to her, then she has the option to contribute to the conversation and then it's go time from there.


Lately I've been chatting it up with anybody (male or female). I was in line at Borders a few hours ago and there was this rather attractive woman waiting in line with me. I was looking at all of the impulse items and started laughing a little too loud, which made her look at me weird. I just turned to her and the next thing I know, I blurted out, "All these last minute buys are making me dizzy". To my surprise she agreed and took an item from one of the racks and said, "Who would buy this stuff?". End of conversation because the next register was open and she had to buy her stuff. Didn't lead to anything, but it didn't matter, I am presenting who I am and being sincere about it.


I could have said something else to start a conversation the way many guys "approaching" a woman will normally do, but I didn't, because it just isn't me. Instead, I offered her an observation with an invitation to take the conversation somewhere. She didn't take the bait, so things didn't go anywhere from there. The thing that surprised me today was that I've got this thing on auto pilot now...I didn't even think about it. I'm a formerly shy guy I suppose.

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"Having fun?"


"This guy is good" (I listening to live music)


"I like your shoes...... Where did you get those" (If girl is wearin tennis shoes)


"I like your hair"


"I like your shirt"


"I saw you last week right?"


"Did you see that" (strange person walks by)


"What are you drinking."


mate except the last one, do you really pickup woman with those lines


You would never compliment a woman's apperance at first notice. And girls hate "having fun" comment...my experience.


if I am in a party barely know people, I go and I introduce myself and I start making jokes about drinks. It works 90% of time. if you wanna meet someone you like especially, "Hi I am ....., may I get you more drink, what are you drinking?" take charge and be gentleman

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