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I am not writing

these words late at night

'cause I sleep like a baby

and everything's sweetness and light


I'm not hearing

that heartbreaking song

where the guy says, "Oh darling, I'm strong"

and I'll get along


The memory's painless

when I think of your face

which is nothing that special

all that radiant grace... commonplace


Do I fear for your safety?

You know that I don't!

Will loneliness drown me?

I'm sure that it won't


I have seventeen lovers

two more in Japan

so I hardly remember your name -

Charlie Ann?


No checking my email

every hour on the hour

and the lack of your soft words

gives me infinite power


Oh, I'm something not human

my eyes are not blue

they're not misting, they're sweating

and for sure I'm not thinking of you


Nothing was my fault

my conscience is clear

I would not beg forgiveness

if you'd just reappear


I'm better for losing

and I don't need you back

my door isn't open

not the tiniest crack


Such a happy and timely goodbye

I will not, I will not cry

cross my sore heart, hope to die

and yes, I deny, I deny

this poem's a wonderful lie

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Thank you, friends. I have another one, but I can't post another thread so soon after this one so I'll shoehorn it in here.


Uhh, you kind of have to picture me strumming along on a guitar in order for it to make any sense. Flight of the Half-Conchords, if you will.




I met a girl

her name was Girl

she made my mind

into a whirl






She had a dog

his name was Cat

that's short for Catherine

not a thing to laugh






And the girl named Girl got under my skin

she overtook my life

'til I wanted her Cat to be my gay dog

and her to be my






Up, down, all around, scooby dooby doo

this verse is filler but it still sounds cool

in, out, waterspout, give a dog a bone

maybe I shouldn't go there



So anyway

it's a big heartache

because she dumped me

flat as a pan



...pans are pretty flat



And the moral of the story

in this one-minute song

is really not clear

'cause it wasn't very long



So I hope you liked the melody

of the tune my dark side calls







Thank you! Goodnight!

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Glad you liked them, Supa. Thanks for commenting.


Margin note I'd like to make known to all readers that the second piece is strictly comic relief. The story, such as there is to speak of, is fictional; I have no bitter "FU" for anyone and least of all for my ex-kitten. She gave her best, the best I've seen, under the most trying of circumstances and stuck it out for as long as she could stand.

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