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Hi everyone,


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I have lots of post on here and some of you guys here knows my story. My ex and I have been broken up AGAIN for a little more than two months now. We've been together for 5 years now.


After I went to a cruise with a few friends of mine and now I found a new gf that is really nice. = )


Well, long story short, My gf and I went to see moive at christmas eve and guess what ? Ex was there with her prince to see the SAME movie as we did. I saw her and I kinda ignore that I saw her coz I was embarrest to see her and her BF in the movie. (She broke up with me then hooked up with him RIGHT AWAY) She saw me as well but she didnt say hi or anything so I just played along.


After the movie, we just went out for bathroom break and then we saw each other coming outa the bathroom head on far away and I ignored that I saw her and waited for my gf to come out and we left. She called but I didnt answer. Then she left this very hidden MAD voice mail. basically saying why I didnt saw hi and said she know she saw me and saw my new gf. Then I stupidly called her back and she basically yelled at me infront of her NEW BF for an hour and a half about my new gf. She gets very ANGRY everytime she talks about my gf. I told her she is being very disrespectful about our conversation and I ended the call quickly.


A few days later today, she AIMed me with a simple Hi and happy b-day. Then she asked me a few questions about cars then went in to the conversation of how is your GF and all and then she gets ANGRY and says stuff about my gf like you guys look cute, you have a lovely gf now, good for you, have a happy life with your gf and stuff.


Now my questions.


1) Did I do something wrong by not saying hi to her? with her bf present ?


2) Why does she always bring up my gf?


3) Why does she gets MAD everytime when she talks about my GF ?


I hope someone can give me some advices......


Thank you all for reading....

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hey Sadman,


1) Did I do something wrong by not saying hi to her? with her bf present ?


Well if she called you then you should have really answered her, especialy if you heard her. Its understandable that you didnt want go over to her with her new boyfriend around- and maybe you should tell her this- but she decided to call you so she must have been cool with it. Ignoring her wouldnt have put a good impression of you to her and her new man (not that you'd really care).


2) Why does she always bring up my gf?

Curiosity my friend. It also proves that your ex still thinks about you alot, because she seemed persistent in trying to bring her up. Jealousy is a big thing in the female world. Especially when they are in a rebound relationship (which wont last since its not based on love or anything) and they see you happily moving on with someone else.


3) Why does she gets MAD everytime when she talks about my GF ?

Following off what i write in the other question, if you didnt mention her boyfriend when talking to her then that will make her even more mad. Shes obviously just got some guy to replace your role- its not a case of love or anything- so she isnt really moving on from you, shes just hiding those feelings and rubbing them onto this guy. So seeing you with another girl will make her extremely jealous and mad. You on the other hand have felt your pain and feelings for her, and so you have moved on from her (i hope). This inevitable fact will make her crazy all month. You have last laugh


my interpretation. Good luck

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1) Did I do something wrong by not saying hi to her? with her bf present ?


You should have waved, said hi and left the conversation at that and no more. No one likes to be ignored, but no one would have been comfortable with a conversation, especially not her new guy or your new girl. Think about standing and watching two exes talk while with their new significant others. Unless the issues have allbeen ironed out and they are friends, it is going to be very awkward, and will almost always be somewhat awkward. I'd give her a sorry, but I did not want to subject my date to the awkward conversation.



2) Why does she always bring up my gf?


Sounds like she has issues about moving on and/or being jealous. She moved on by finding a new guy but is not ready to see that you have done so too.


3) Why does she gets MAD everytime when she talks about my GF ?


See the above. I'd think she wants you to still want her, regrdless of the breakup.


If you want any peace with your ex you need to ask her what she wants you to do. Should you pine and wait for your romance with her to restart, while she dates some other guy? Or should you move on with your life and try to find another woman? Put her on the spot the next time you talk.

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I agree for the most part with what the previous posters said... I just want to add my point of view. Being female, (this is just me personally), just the fact that you were with another female would be very hard to handle. You've got to remember that she knows where her current relationship stands and how much she really likes the guy, what they've done together, what they've talked about, etc. but she has no idea whatsoever of any of those things about your new relationship. The loss of control of knowing about your life in general is most likely daunting for her because she doesn't know how you really feel about this girl and she sees her as a threat to what you and she once had.

I find it rather funny that she actually spoke to you, and I wouldn't worry about not responding. You respected your date the right way and she did not. Imagine how her new b/f felt when she called out to her ex. That shows you right there that she was thinking more of you than him.

Congratulations on your response to her angry accusations and questions.... I think you are doing the right thing. Don't share personal information with her about your new g/f..... don't even downplay the relationship.... she'll find out just like everyone else if you wish to pursue seeing the new girl. You have displayed mature actions and she has not - but I can feel for her, it would be hard to deal with.... her jealousy is clouding all of her reason right now so just let her cool off.

Good luck!

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1) Did I do something wrong by not saying hi to her? with her bf present ?


Maybe a casual wave or something would've been appropriate - but especially judging by her later reactions, I wouldn't think going over and conversing would've helped here. She was already pissed you were out and happy with someone else - and casually saying Hi, she'd probably have taken as you rubbing it in her face.


2) Why does she always bring up my gf?


Two words - jealousy and resentment. Sure, she moved on with another guy - doesn't mean she wants to see you happy with another girl. Especially if she thinks your new gf is in any way "better," prettier, sexier, more popular - she's going to resent that you were able to find someone new.


3) Why does she gets MAD everytime when she talks about my GF ?


Same as above - even if she moved on, didn't mean she wanted to think YOU could! And she resents that you both could and did, not quite the scenario of you pining over her she might have had in her head. Hit her pride as well no doubt!

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