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True or False


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Do you think that a dumper is honest when they dump you because they are tired of seeing you unhappy and hurting you because they are depressed.


After reading this it seems that there are so many excuses. How to tell if it was an excuse or a lie.

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it hard to tell... use your own gut instinct.... if you incline to trust people less then it is a lie and if you are incline to trust people more then it is true....


people's mind are too hard to read, I would say go with your own instinct about the words... that is why i like to talk in person, you could read body language and gesture better and that kind of communication if where you pick things up

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Well I do trust him. As far a body language he shuts down when asked anything. Not know. He is more open now as we do not have serious talks, but when I would get upset he would shut down like a little kid. Like when you ask a kid that has done something wrong and there answer is I do not know. And they will look at the floor and look really sad. And I would think this is a grown man. Can he really be that weak. And this was for over 4.5 years I would get this...


His mom always told me that he needed to think things completely through and withdraw but just let him go and he would always come back. I thought she was crazy.

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I don't think you can really know for sure because sometimes they don't know themselves. They may have reason that they don't want to say because they don't want to argue about it or they are trying to preserve your feelings a bit.

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I think the point is that the break-up occurred and that you must accept it. I don't think the reasons even matter. If he lied, then you don't want to be with him anyway. If he is telling the truth, then he does not want to be in a relationship.

Either way you have to move on.

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I would think after 3 month (or almost that long) I would completely over this. I need to get him out of my life but it will take a little bit of time. I will see him tomorrow to get dog and tuesday when he picks dog up and after that I need to be strong. How long have others been broken up.

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2 and a half weeks been split, and counting. Atleast he didn't say "i just don't want a girlfriend anymore". Well it took him two years to decide did that did he, he could have saved the hassel and never asked me out in the first place, geeeeee!

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Funny after almost 5 years I ask my ex how long have you been thinking about breaking up and he said honestly only a couple of days. (he does not lie) and I am sitting here thinking there have been times when I pondered it for weeks and did not do it and you decided in a couple of days. Some people are just not all there. And he was moved out by Tuesday. He makes very fast decisions with no thought process at all

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mine was not honest

she said she wanted to spend more time with her sister (which i never stopped her from doing anyway)

and then a few weeks later she is dating someone else.


and she broke up with me a week after promising me she would work on opening up to me emotionally. quitter....

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A lot of the time depressed people HATE bringing people down with them and would rather be alone in their misery than feel extra guilt of ruining someone else's life.

But...you never know.


I don't know, relationships cost you your sanity.

Breakups cost you your heart.

But looking back and knowing that you're better off...priceless.


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Yeah it is tough. He told me last night because I am going to meetings with him he honestly believes I am saving his life. Not sure what that means. I am going meetings for me and he is going for him, but we will in time attend together.

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