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Daddy Bear

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Baby... fight. Fight for what's rightfully yours.


For the donut cake.

For the satin and lace.

For the platinum.

For sand in your shoes as jellyfish look on powerlessly from the surf.

For colorful arcs accross bathroom walls.

For colorful arcs accross the sky.

For cuddlathons.

For Graduation Day.

For Braces In The Bin Day.

For Weedabix and Ricycles (sp?)

For the Legoton Constabulary construction project.

For the grand opening of Club Angeles.

For Fudgie II.

For your ear pressed against a thumping heart.

For x and nom

For can't-help-but-grin tuckiefests.

To be watched over as you sleep.

To wake to jammy sammies.

For mornies eye wipes on an occupied Bad Religion t-shirt (size XL).

To rub it in their effing cretinous gobs.

To blaze a trail through Hell for Broski and Soapy McShroombulb.

For the Hello Kitty Room (spooning optional).

For a duvet tent.

For a lap as a pillow and "Merry Christmas, Mr. Bean".

For birthday presents under the tree.

For the turkey baster (or equivalent thereof).

For happy tears as she's laid in your tired arms.

For sauteed placenta Alfredo (all yours, btw).

To powder an ickle baby bum.

To smell that silken baby hair.

To smell those poo-laden nappies (size S).

To smell those poo-laden nappies (size XL).

To shop at Rugrat Gap.

For the first day of school.

For crayon art and fridge magnets.

For nursery rhymes.

For songs yet unwritten.

For "Blood & Kisses: The Rock Opera".

For Disneyland.

For Burning Man.

For unexpected floral bouquets.

For a pram to roll through the park.

For a hand to hold through the dark.

For bone-melting backrubs on demand.

For a tray of chicken soup and toast when you're sick in bed.

For piggyback rides and similar undignified fun when you're up and around.

For a pair of eyes that can see no other but you.

For a scrapbook chockablock with sparkling memories.

And for a million things more.


Don't you give up on life now, dammit. Not with all this awaiting. Fight.


I believe in you, Kittenfish. I do, I do, I do.

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This really made me smile and broke my heart at the same time, this is beautiful.


For anyone who is contemplating taking their own lives, stick around for it all. As someone who has been there, at the very edge, I can tell you life is WORTH sticking around for. YOU are worth all those wonderful things and more.


Thank you Daddy Bear.

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You "touched" sow many points, thoughts, feelings, my heart can relate to, it is sad to think of the pain it leaves one in, if it just never get that someone, to a point where you can breath and know they will be safe.


All we can do is hope and try again.



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