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Is this a Break Up Note?

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The woman I'm in love with took a runner on this weekend. Is this an end it note or is she just upset and confused.


I'm a mess and just don't understand. We'd never had words. Never had a fight. I know there were issues because of the nature of the relationship, but if she wanted to end it why not just say goodbye.


We'd had sex early in that morning. I had to do some errands and while I was gone she packed up and left.


She left me this note and was gone. I haven't heard from her since (3 days) She won't reply to my emails or calls.





I'm sorry I'm such a ditz-

I don't think I'm good for anyone.

I don't do anythng but end up hurting people that I love


You know it just hit me in the face this morning, guess I thought a bit last nite.. here I am wanting another child, and yet I already have two that I have left and am not being a good mother to


This is killing me, you know it is

I get so confused and then don't want to talk about things

I miss my kids so much and I don't know what else to say.


I hate confrontations, and I know that would make things easier for you, but it makes things harder on me, and we know if nothing else, I think about myself.. no matter how stupid I am


I need to get my head screwed on right before I do anything with anyone. I don't know what to say, and don't know what to do

But I do know that I never wanted to hurt anyone.

And it seems that's all I can do is hurt everyone.

I don't know what I need, time maybe, maybe not.

I know your hurt and pissed, and I wish there was something else I could do, but I know I can't.


I'm sorry

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hurt in huntingdon, Yup, that's a break up note alright. I know what you're thinking - WHAT HAPPENED? I know what your first action will be too - call her, DON'T. Well, I'm sorry to say that she won't want to talk or maybe not even pick up her phone. But hurt in huntingdon, send me a "private message" and I'll give you the best strategy for winning her back because what most guys do won't work. I won't guarantee anything, but I know one thing - calling and groveling will only put her into overdrive.

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Slider you're right. I did call, but no grovelling. She's not answering either or returning an email.


I don't want her back like this. I don't want to win her back either. I am not sure that there is an explanation that would warrant ever going back with someone like this because they probably would do this again.


People break up. That's life. I didn't deserve to be hurt this way.


Nobody does.

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Well alrighty then! I gotta hand it to you - you're strong. If that's the way she wants it, then fine because it's the same result when you come to think about it.


But Hurt, it doesn't matter whether you deserved it or not. When one's interest is in the abyss - they sometimes don't have the guts to face you.


Nevermind already, you know what's what and you sound like you have a lot of confidence in yourself and maybe "quality backup". Keep your head up, dude - and never let them see you sweat.



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Slider it's still raw and fresh. I'm not strong. Just trying to be honest. I have no idea how I'll react when (if) she contacts me.


I have no feelings of guilt on this one. I know it's just a few posts, but I loved and supported this woman.


I don't think she's bad or evil. Maybe selfish and maybe panicked....but it's just wrong.


I'm going throug a lot of emotions now. I'm lucky to have as many supportive friends as I do.


But it was really cathartic to post this and thank you so much for your feedback.

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Hi Huntingdon,


Can see your at a difficult stage right now which is understandable. Without knowing if there are other circumstances that you do not want to talk about (which is cool) you haven't really said how the relashionship started. Try and think of how some things may of affected her. It sounds like she is running away from her problems, which doesn't help you, but it could of all become too much. What I am trying to say is don't blame her without knowing her reasons for leaving as she may be going through a difficult period.


The txtx's and emails you are sending should sounds supportive not just asking why she left. If you still care for her let her know that you are there for her as a friend if not a boyfriend. Her reasons may then come out and you can decided properly what is going on and how you should deal with it.


If she isn't answering any txt's or emails and you have tried being supportive when you sent txt's then you have done what you can and you have to move on. This sounds harsh but there is nothing else you can do.


It sounds like you have some good supportive friends which is great through this difficult time.

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Thanks for the comments and advice.


She emailed in this morning.


Here is what she said.


I can't call...

You didn't do anything wrong, and I know you're hurting. I am too.

You deserve someone better than me.

I didn't have any right to do what I did, not from the very beginning.

All I ever do is end up hurting people, and I can't stand myself when I do


I know you won't ever understand, and prolly by now I'm sure you hate me

Sometimes I hate me...

One day I suppose I'll get something right.

More later, but I can't talk like I should right now, I'm sorry.

I do miss you.


In the emails to her I have been supportive. I think she went back because her husband was using his son as emotional blackmail.


She left him to come here.


It isn't easy. I'm really lucky that I have some super friends, two of which are coming here today to kick my butt into gear.


I need a shower. I need to change my clothes and get out of this hole.


This process in this thread has helped a lot too.


Thanks to all

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