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Breaking hair

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Hoping for some hair advice too. I have very thick wavy hair that is long (past my collarbone). My problem is that its constantly breaking.


I dyed it in the past, but never anything "extreme" like bleaching or colour stripping. I have stopped dying it, but it is still breaking.


It is definitely breaking as opposed to falling out, because I have this irritating "halo" of broken hair about an inch or so long all over my head. I also have some hair that should be long enough to lie flat but it twists into a mess and doesn`t lie flat. I lose broken strands constantly throughout the day - I joke that I shed more than the dog, and its sadly not too far off the truth.


I don`t wear hair things much, so I doubt that is cuasing it.


I`ve tried massive amounts of conditioner but that doesn`t help.


Any ideas - both as to what is causing it and how to fix?

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How is your nutrition?


It sounds like the hair is breaking because it is dry and brittle. That can happen if you damage you hair with dyes and chemicals, but your nutrition can also effect your hair and nails. (Many women notice improvement in their hair and nails when the take prenatal vitamins)


So, are you getting enough vitamins? How are your nails?

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I drink a LOT of water and other fluids throughout the day, so I am hydrated well.


I think I eat pretty well - a mix of meat, carbs, veggies. I do take a vitamin as well. My nails are brittle too though (they break easily). What should I look into eating more of to strengthen hair and nails?


Mayo? O.o Well, I can certainly give it a try.

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If you haven't dyed in a while, your roots are probably okay. But depending on how many dye jobs you've had, the rest of your hair could be hurting. How many dye jobs would you say you've had in the past two years?


No matter what you do to condition your hair, hair grows from the root. So every dye job your hair has been through -- which will likely be quite a few by the time you get to the ends -- is putting a toll on your hair. The cumulative effects of dye jobs, especially towards the ends, might be more significant than you think?


In college, I went through a dying spree. It was never anything too harsh or radical, but eventually my hair was just a mess. I ended up cutting most of it off, letting it all grow out, and haven't dyed it since. Now my hair is as healthy as I think it possibly could be, and it's longer than I've ever been able to grow it.


Also, if you are shampooing every day, you could be stripping protective oils too often...


This might just be something you have to wait till it grows out some more. I dunno. Hope you figure it out!!

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Over the last 2 years? Well, I dyed my hair a reddish colour over my dark brown hair, and refreshed it every 3 months. So about 8 times. No bleach or colour stripping though.


I look awful in short hair though, so I`d rather not have to cut it short!




Never used hot irons, or even hair dryers for that matter (I let it dry on its own).

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